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New, pork-laced ammunition should serve as a warning shot to would-be Islamic terrorists with plans to attack Americans, the product's makers said today.
Jihawg Ammo, the company started by Brendon and Julie Hill of Coer D'Alene, Idaho, sells boxes of gun cartridges that are made with pork products and advertised as being a deterrent to potential terrorists who may not eat pork because of their religious beliefs.
Read More At: http://abcnews.go.com/US/pork-laced-ammunition-designed-deter-terrorists/story?id=19473578
Jihawg Ammo, the company started by Brendon and Julie Hill of Coer D'Alene, Idaho, sells boxes of gun cartridges that are made with pork products and advertised as being a deterrent to potential terrorists who may not eat pork because of their religious beliefs.
Read More At: http://abcnews.go.com/US/pork-laced-ammunition-designed-deter-terrorists/story?id=19473578