Those who pose as Christians but support the slaughter of unborn children. That is what we are talking about here and your support of it is disgusting. You supported it with you vote choosing other concerns over children. This should never be under any circumstances.But liberals are to tied up with the Democrat party. You ave placed politics over your faith and children. There is no room to just simply disagree over abortion. The lives of children are at stake. Apparently you do not care.
I admire your zeal, Rev and totally agree with your stance on the matter of abortion. But I would go so far as to say that your unwillingness to even entertain the idea that someone else may be able to accept the idea of abortion as NOT being murder is what's causing us to stub our toe here. The left sees ALL of us conservatives as stubborn and unwilling to enter into any kind of discussion about the issues because we're (read you) continue to simply point at them and say they are evil, even those that abhor abortion but happened to vote for Obama. My arguement about paying taxes is another way of supporting abortion was just dismissed because we are to 'render unto Caesar what is Casesar's' (it's a godly principle to pay our taxes), but there are many ways to get out from paying your taxes, you just refuse to take the needed steps.
The left sees you as a curmudgeonly, bible-thumper that refuses to enter into any type of rational discussion on the matter and that damns you in their eyes. It gives them fodder to use against the entire conservative party. It doesn't matter whether you believe what they are saying is true or not, THEY believe it and THEY love to use people like you as a poster boy to support their point that we just cannot stand on our own.
You can be against something and think it's a horrible sin without lambasting everyone who is mistakenly supporting it. We need to speak to them in a loving manner and draw them closer to Christ. Only THEN will a pro-choice supporter see what they are doing is wrong. If we keep arguing with them the way you do, they'll just continue to harden their hearts and it will just be harder and harder to reach them.
We (Christians) have judged and judged and judged and now we are being judged and we don't like it. That's the message that we're passing on to the liberals right now and they're running to town with it.