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Post Mortem on the debunked horse series


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by UTEOTW:
So let me see if I get this right.

"The series SHOWS smooth orthogenic transitions. UTEOTW DENIES that such was ever found in nature which means the fabricated fossil ARRANGEMENT is in error."

So your whole problem is that even though they got most details right, that is since they missed the boat on orthogenetic change versus phyletic change (before phyletic change had ever been hypothesized) that they are a bunch of frauds and that we can discard the whole series because the proposed tempo of change was wrong.
Another "pretend I don't read" post from UTEOTW??

The fraudulent series SHOWS size changes FROM THE START. By using REAL fossils REALLY arranged to show changes in size that Atheist darwinians DENY ever HAPPENING.

The fraudulent series SHOWS smooth orthogenic change through the series BY ARRANGING fossils AS IF this was "discovered FACT".

These points have been made repeatedly. EVERY atheist darwinist source ADMITS to them.

The only way to GET THIS ANYWAY is to simply ARRANGE the fossils to FIT the bogus story!

Which they DID!


Well-Known Member

Some inconvenient facts for you to gloss over.

"I admit that an awful lot of that [imaginary stories] has gotten into the textbooks as though it were true. For instance, the most famous example still on exhibit downstairs [in the American Museum of Natural History] is the exhibit on horse evolution prepared perhaps 50 years ago. That has been presented as literal truth in textbook after textbook. Now I think that that is lamentable ..."
Niles Eldredge, as quoted in Luther D Sunderland, Darwin's Enigma: Fossils and Other Problems, 4th ed. 1988, pg 78.
"The uniform continuous transformation of Hyracotherium (Eohippus) into Equus, so dear to the hearts of generations of textbook writers, never happened in nature."— *G.G. Simpson, Life of the Past (1953), p. 119.
The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however, reasonable, not the evidence of fossils.” “Evolution’s Erratic Pace,” Natural History 86 (May 1977): p. 14. [Emphasis added - ed.]


New Member
OK, Bob, here we go again.

We are quickly closing in on something here. You have tried very, very hard to keep from getting pinned down on anything. I have had to feed you a lot of rope but lucky for me you are perfectly willing to hang yourself with it.

I said:

"This makes it sound like the original series did not have any transitionals at all."

You responded:

"Wrong "again".

The debunking of the fraudulently arranged sequence DOES NOT depend on finding EVERY detail to be a fraud. All you have to do is find that the overall story is contrived, is simply ARRANGED to fit the story.

Your vaccuous point above is like say "when you say the fraudulent series is bad you make it sound like none of the fossils were REAL".

So you admit that some parts were correct. This is a good start. You are unwilling to claim that the transitionals that Marsh proposed do not belong in the horse lineage. You are unwilling to claim that he got the starting and end points wrong. You are unwilling to say that he got the changes that happened along the way wrong. You are unwilling to claim that he got the overall timeframe wrong.

So you concede that Marsh was mostly right. So what do you claim is wrong and where do you go wrong?

This quote shows the first place you go wrong. You said "the overall story is contrived, is simply ARRANGED to fit the story."

This is the first place you go wrong. There was not a story formed and the data then arranged to fit it. No, Marsh went and found the fossils. He was the first to recognize them as proto horses. The story was formed to fit what he had found, not the other way as you alledge.

How could it have possibly been the way you claim? No one else had a good idea of where horses came from in order to concoct such a story.

So now let's look at what you seem to be saying was fraudulent.

"It is atheist dwarinians[sic] THEMSELVES that admit that the series DOES OBVIOUSLY (to adults and children alike) SHOW smooth orthogenic transitional sequencing ALL the way through!"


"The fraudulent series SHOWS size changes FROM THE START. By using REAL fossils REALLY arranged to show changes in size that Atheist darwinians DENY ever HAPPENING.

The fraudulent series SHOWS smooth orthogenic change through the series BY ARRANGING fossils AS IF this was "discovered FACT".

You finally seem to have settled on something specific.

You seem to have decided that the fraudulent part was to assert that the change was smooth and gradual when the record shows that it was anything but. OK.

First off, this in itself is progress. You seem to longer be asserting that your quotes say that horses did not evolve. You are at least moving towards what the authors were intending. To claim that Simpson was saying that smooth change was claimed but never happened in nature is getting close to what he was trying to say. You still excise his discussion of what the actual change was like, so we are not completely there. But it is a start.

So you say that it was fraudulent to arrange the fossils into a smooth continuum of change. Let's examine that assertion.

First off, at the time that Marsh was doing his work, there were few transitional fossils known. The idea of the day was that change occurred slowly and gradually. It was the prevailing idea. So I first challenge your assertion that there fraud involved with using the dominate assertion in his analysis. It turned out to be wrong, but it was not fraud.

Now let's look at another aspect of this. Today the horse series is known by a whole slew of fossils. There are at least 60 different genera known. Some of these are represented by multiple species. I don't know what the total number of fossil horse species that are known is, but I would guess that it is in the hundreds. It was this richer data set at which Simpson and others were looking when they declared that the horse showed phylogetic change.

So what did Marsh have to work with?

He knew 8 specimens. Anchippus, Anchitherium, Equus, Hipparion, Miohippus, Orohippus, Pliohippus and Protohippus.

So let's think about this. Out of hundreds of examples that were later known, he had 8. 8 unevenly spaced samples over millions of years. Now even this was sufficient to draw some conclusions. He recognized them as proto horses which you do not deny. He recognized the path from a general browser to a specialized grazer which you do not deny. He recognized the change in size which you do not deny. He recognized the change in feet (number of toes and pads vs hooves) which you do not deny. He recignized all of the aspects and drew all of these conclusions which were proven through time and which you have not challenged.

Yet you still assert fraud. Why?

Well you say "The fraudulent series SHOWS smooth orthogenic change through the series BY ARRANGING fossils AS IF this was "discovered FACT"."

Let me argue by analogy.

Let's say there is a building going up. It takes one year to erect. Now I am going to randomly take 8 snapshots of the building in the process of being built. I will give you the snapshots and ask you to provide me back detailed information on the progress of the building on a daily basis. By what means would you determine how long various activities lasted? How would you determine the rates of progress on various aspects of construction? You would find it difficult to be very accurate and would be forced to extrapolate from what little data you had available.

So it was with Marsh. He had a sequence which was sufficient to draw all these conclusions which proved to be correct. But what he did not have was sufficient resolution to get the rate of change at all points correct.

It is this mistake due to insufficient data that you are labeling fraud. It was not fraud. It was wrong. But, in light of the prevailing ideas of his day and in light of the limited resolution of the data, it was a reasonable conclusion. There was nothing fraudulent about it.

And as more data was collected, most of the ideas of Marsh were confirmed. The tempo of evolution was found to be incorrect and the sequence was updated accordingly.

But that is just how the method works. There is no fraud. There are no just so stories.

You have failed to make the case that Marsh committed fraud. The most that you can do is to point out that out of several conclusions he reached, only the tempo of the change needed major modification as more data became available.

And although you call this a thread about the debunked horse series, the only thing you seem to have debunked is the pace of change. You seem to have caught up with the scientists of the first half of the last century in that regard. I suppose that any progress with an evolution denier is something.

"The fraudulent series SHOWS size changes FROM THE START. By using REAL fossils REALLY arranged to show changes in size that Atheist darwinians DENY ever HAPPENING."

You seem confused here.

The size changes did start back at the beginning of the series. Just because they were not steady does not mean that they did not happen at all.

"Oh if only we could talk about the modern story "instead" of the subject of the thread eh UTEOTW??!"

Well, you don't seem much interested in talking about the real transitional series. Just as well. Learning something about it might be hazardous to your worldview.

But I think you may have overlooked another corner into which you have painted yourself.

You have made it perfectly clear that you are not interested in discussing the modern horse sequence in this thread. But it will come up again one day. And you will likely drag out your quotes. And this thread will become prosecution exhibit number 1 of what you say these quotes mean. You have come around to accepting that they are referring to the tempo of the change and that there are referring to the original series put together by Marsh.

So if you pull them out in regard to the real series, you will have a doubly whammy. First, the context will be pointed out to show what the authors intended. Then this thread will be drug out to show that you understood that the quotes referred to the original Marsh series and to the pace of change.

And for that matter, time will not change quotes into facts. You do not argue facts, you argue quotes. Quotes are not science.


Well-Known Member
And for that matter, time will not change quotes into facts. You do not argue facts, you argue quotes. Quotes are not science.
Here we have a truly mindnumbing "quote" from UTEOTW!!

According to UTEOTW my quote of him has NOTHING in it. What we see UTEOTW saying in the quote above is to claim that his quote is fact-challenged is in fact devoid of fact -- a "factless quote".

Now lets look carefully at the quote above from UTEOTW - do you SEE ANY FACTs in that quote??? Because if you do - UTEOTW claims you are deluded.

NOTHING in what we see UTEOTW saiying in the QUOTE above is actually a fact of any kind. No amount of UTEOTW's future quotes will make the quote above useful in any wsy AS IF there is SOME FACT in that quote. (Not if we were to listen to UTEOTW is saying anyway).

Fortunately for THE ENTIRE CONCEPT OF DEBATE and exchange - we IGNORE such mindnumbing self-conflicted contradictory vaccuous claims.

That way we get to "pay attention to details", we get to "stop glossing over inconvenient facts", we get to pay attention to the OP!!

We get to SEE the clear obvious and BLATANT agreement SEEN between what the Atheist Darwinists are confessing about the DEBUNKED horse fossil "arrangement" and what Bible believing Christians are saying.

Of course all if this is painfully obvious - and no amount of UTEOTW revisionism will turn all of logic and reason on it's head as he seems to "hope".

So now I am going to review the bogus points in the UTEOTW quotes in the previous post - point by factless point.

(I only say "factless" to make UTEOTW happy in his argument that his quotes contain no facts at all!!)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by UTEOTW:
OK, Bob, here we go again.

We are quickly closing in on something here.
Great! is this where you actually "pay attention" to the "Trade secret of paleontology"?

Hmm "guess not".

After all - SOMEONE ELSE said that and so that makes that point "A QUOTE"!!

whooooh! Shuddddder!

Now that it is quote of an actual respected source it is "factless" according to the totally unknown UTEOTW!!

I said:

"This makes it sound like the original series did not have any transitionals at all."

You responded:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Bob said
"Wrong "again".

The debunking of the fraudulently arranged sequence DOES NOT depend on finding EVERY detail to be a fraud. All you have to do is find that the overall story is contrived, is simply ARRANGED to fit the story.

Your vaccuous point above is like say "when you say the fraudulent series is bad you make it sound like none of the fossils were REAL".
</font>[/QUOTE]Did you "see the point". Simply grasping at straws is NOT the STANDARD for establishing a FACTUAL and scientifically valid "example of a fossil sequence".

All the best frauds of history contain SOME facts - in the case of bones - SOME BONES!!

Get it?



So you admit that some parts were correct. This is a good start.
In the realm of bogus science only SOME PARTS need to be valid to foist the fraud onto science classrooms!!

Your constant confession to that effect is a fact that can no longer be denied!!

In Christ,



Well-Known Member
You are unwilling to claim that the transitionals that Marsh proposed do not belong in the horse lineage.
MORE to the point. INSTEAD of the debate hinging on the bogus idea that "SOME tiny part of the fraud COULD be correct" -- the REAL substance in evaluating frauds is to SHOW that the methods used and the results obtained are in fact junk science FRAUD!!

That the fraud is "claiming MERE STORY as though it were DISCOVERED FACT" -- only to see the lamentable fact that what they claimed to DISCOVER "never happened in nature"

But then WE ALL already knew that!!

And yet you choose to fall on your sword over a fraud that even YOU admit is "discredited" that even you admit is "NOT held to by anyone" that you even whine about the fact that "ANYONE would mention it"!!

Funny how your revisionism is not working here!

In Christ,



Well-Known Member

you concede that Marsh was mostly right.
#1. I never said "Marsh was mostly right".

#2. your statement above is "NOT QUOTE OF ME". (Of course you claim that your brand of revisionism don't need no stinking quotes to make stuff up- so I see why you think the fraud in question is so wonderful)

#3. Failing to have a quote from me saying what you "need" and failing to be able derail the topic so far - you simply start "making stuff up"!!

How "instructive".

How "typical"


So what do you claim is wrong and where do you go wrong?

This quote shows the first place you go wrong. You said "the overall story is contrived, is simply ARRANGED to fit the story."

This is the first place you go wrong. There was not a story formed and the data then arranged to fit it.
Dead wrong "again".

As ALREADY SHOWN - the true believers in atheist darwinianism were predicting a "smooth transitional form sequence" from the days of Darwin!

As ALREADY pointed out.

As FACT already glossed over by you.


No, Marsh went and found the fossils. He was the first to recognize them as proto horses. The story was formed to fit what he had found, not the other way as you alledge.
Wrong "again"

Revisionism "again"

Glossing over facts "again"

(How surprising)

It has ALREADY BEEN SHOWN that the smooth transitional form "hypothesis" for evolution HAD ALREADY been promoted.

Marsh was simply inventing AN EXAMPLE of that pre-existing doctrine by ARRANGING the fossils to FIT the story - he provided what the story NEEDED!

How sad for you that your every post gives us opportunity to expose the fraud - time after time after time.

In Christ,



Well-Known Member

How could it have possibly been the way you claim? No one else had a good idea of where horses came from in order to concoct such a story.
Wrong "again"

Misdirection "again"

Obfuscation "again"

MANY horse fossils had ALREADY been found. ALL the atheist darwinist evolutionists EXPECTED to find horse ancestors that did not look like horses today!!

Marsh simply used IMAGINATION and FRAUD to ARRANGE a fossil sequence that SHOWED "an example" of smooth transitional form changes that EVERYONE EXPECTED in ALL species.


Painfully obvious in fact!

Lamentable in fact.

He simply invented a sequence that "NEVER HAPPENED IN NATURE"

He presented is "ARRANGED fossil sequence" AS IF that sequence had been FOUND in the fossil record IN that every SEQUENCE.

How sad that each and every obvious fact has to be obfuscated and misdirected by you in your every post.

But what else is left to you?

The atheist darwinists are not going to fall on their swords over this blatant fraud as you have done. Certainly no Bible believing Christians will join you in that fact devoid fact denying mission you are on.

so what can ou do to promote the fraud further?

In christ,



Well-Known Member
UTEOTW - You have come around to accepting that they are referring to the tempo of the change and that there are referring to the original series put together by Marsh.
I started on PAGE one showing that they refer to the Fraudulent series fabricated by Marsh.

You "discovery" of that page ONE fact on page 8 is not as "insightful" as you imagine!!

In Christ,



Well-Known Member
These examples of atheist darwinists summarizing the Marsh series as a fraud are perfect example of how frauds are viewed after they are found out.

In this case though - not only is the fraud itself lamented so is all the religious fervor that the fraud generated!!

Originally posted by BobRyan:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />
"I admit that an awful lot of that [imaginary stories] has gotten into the textbooks as though it were true. For instance, the most famous example still on exhibit downstairs [in the American Museum of Natural History] is the exhibit on horse evolution prepared perhaps 50 years ago. That has been presented as literal truth in textbook after textbook. Now I think that that is lamentable ..."
Niles Eldredge, as quoted in Luther D Sunderland, Darwin's Enigma: Fossils and Other Problems, 4th ed. 1988, pg 78.
"The uniform continuous transformation of Hyracotherium (Eohippus) into Equus, so dear to the hearts of generations of textbook writers, never happened in nature."— *G.G. Simpson, Life of the Past (1953), p. 119.
The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however, reasonable, not the evidence of fossils.” “Evolution’s Erratic Pace,” Natural History 86 (May 1977): p. 14. [Emphasis added - ed.]


Well-Known Member
What is amazing is that Simpson and Sunderland are dumped by UTEOTW as examples of "FACTLESS SOURCES" saying that any refrence to what THEY say is a reference to "NO FACTS AT ALL"

How wonderfully revisionist, imaginary and desperate of UTEOTW to go out on such a desperate limb as he falls on his sword over the fraudulent fossil arrangment for the horse series!!

In Christ,



New Member
You have seemingly failed to even understand anything I have said much less to address any of my argument. You have failed to show where anything fraudulent was done. You fail to understnad how to use quotes.

This has gone on long enough. If you cannot make a case for fraud, if you cannot even try to address my reasons why you are mistaken and if you cannot learn the proper use of quotation then you never will.

So I put it to any lurkers who may be here.

I know that Bob's strange posting style with all the random capitalization and the quote marks around things that, well, aren't quotes of anyhting can be hard to make any sense of. But maybe in seven pages you have picked up something. (I still haven't. I am as confused as ever about what conclusions exactly Bob is trying to make and how he logicallt gets there.)

So, if we have any lurkers left, what do you think? Has Bob made a case for fraud? Or is Bob confusing the scientific method for something else?

Any one left here?


Well-Known Member
You have failed to answer the question from page one - post one - sentence one.

Your ceaseless efforts to duck and dodge the topic of this "discredited horse series" (your words in this case) are will document on this thread.

Now in your own mind the revisionism you have practiced regarding what YOU call "the DISCREDITED HORSE SERIES" has sooo confused you that you now want to ask Has Bob made a case for fraud?

Truly your logic has failed on this thread and now your memory seems to be slipping.

You have tried in your recent ramblings to discredit the words of your OWN atheist darwinist icons given on this thread.

NOW you are going so far as to challenge YOUR OWN statements here on what YOU call the "DISCREDITED HORSE SERIES"!!!

You have found so many imaginative ways to fall on your sword - ignore the OP, deny the "obvious" -- contradict your own positions ...etc

This is truly a study in the "Thrashing" technique you have taken to the concept of "obvious and direct truth" whenever you find truth to be "inconvenient" for your doctrines on evolutionism.

How instructive for the reader.

In Christ,



Well-Known Member

UTEOTW ranting -
Having knocked over your strawman based on something that no one today even advocates,

Thus far all of your quotes from the "never existed" to the "lamentable" all discuss the ancient view of horse evolution to which no one subscribes and to which they have not subscribed for several decades.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BobRyan:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />
"I admit that an awful lot of that [imaginary stories] has gotten into the textbooks as though it were true. For instance, the most famous example still on exhibit downstairs [in the American Museum of Natural History] is the exhibit on horse evolution prepared perhaps 50 years ago. That has been presented as literal truth in textbook after textbook. Now I think that that is lamentable ..."
Niles Eldredge, as quoted in Luther D Sunderland, Darwin's Enigma: Fossils and Other Problems, 4th ed. 1988, pg 78.
"The uniform continuous transformation of Hyracotherium (Eohippus) into Equus, so dear to the hearts of generations of textbook writers, never happened in nature."— *G.G. Simpson, Life of the Past (1953), p. 119.
The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however, reasonable, not the evidence of fossils.” “Evolution’s Erratic Pace,” Natural History 86 (May 1977): p. 14. [Emphasis added - ed.]

"The supposed pedigree of the horse is a deceitful delusion, which . . in no way enlightens us as to the paleontological origins of the horse."—*Charles Deperet, Transformations of the Animal World, p. 105 [French paleontologist].


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by UTEOTW:
Now you have me really confused.

Can you succinctly and clearly tell us just what it is that you think was fraudulent? Because I have no idea.
lets start with the oft-repeated and painfully obvious FIRST -

#1. The smooth transitional sequence they CLAIMED to have DISCOVERED - did not happen in nature at all. They simply took existing specimens and ARRANGED THEM to "fit the story"!

#2. They PRESENTED MERE STORY as though it were "DISCOVERED FACT" in the fossil record - presenting parent-child SEQUENCES that were not valid! They presented specimens that did not show the link in the fossil record that they "needed" so they simply ARRANGED them to show what they needed.

#3. They ARRANGE the fossils showing smooth transitional sequences - with smooth contiguous size and shape changes SHOWN specimen by specimen starting with the very earliest sequences! They created arrangements - rather than discovering the sequence IN the fossil record!!

But of course - all this fraud probably looks like "good ol science" to someone married to atheist darwinist views of science. It does not surprise me that all this seems like "good stuff" to you.



New Member
Originally posted by UTEOTW:
So, if we have any lurkers left, what do you think?
Sorry, no lurkers left, they all died of boredom six pages ago!

I admire your endless patience and optimism!


Well-Known Member
That "actual topic" of the OP is not intended to get UTEOTW to fall on his sword defending the debunked discredited "arranged" horse fossil series that "SHOWS" pure orthogenic transitions in the now debunked "Smooth transitional sequence" since it is known to be "AN ARTIFACT" and "ARRANGED fossil sequence" --

The assumption at the start was that those on the side of UTEOTW would not deny EVERY OBVIOUS FACT known to makind and admitted to even by Atheist darwinists in this case.

The INTENT was to say "GIVEN what they ALL SEE and what we can ALL SEE in that failed, fabricated, farse" WHAT lessons do we learn to stop those Darwinist evolutionists from simply "DOING IT AGAIN" over and over and over again in fact.

Continually "arranging the data to FIT the story".

What LESSONS do we learn about the METHODS used to foist that fraudulently ARRANGED fossil series in the first place?!!

But of course UTEOTW is so busy denying that there "is air" and that the fossil series was "a bad thing" that we now might hope just to gete UTEOTW to admit to "what year it is"

How sad that the Atheist darwinist models of denying "inconvenient facts" that get in the way "of their stories" should have resulted in UTEOTW going down such a long dark hole for so long on this thread.

How much better just to admit to the OBVIOUS regrarding that debunked horse fossil SERIES that was "still on exhibit downstairs [in the American Museum of Natural History] is the exhibit on horse evolution " - REAL fossils in a REAL series really "arranged to fit the story"

In Christ,


Paul of Eugene

New Member
From BobRyan's own post I will show the truth of evolution theory!

Originally posted by BobRyan:

#1. The smooth transitional sequence they CLAIMED to have DISCOVERED - did not happen in nature at all. They simply took existing specimens and ARRANGED THEM to "fit the story"!
In other words, BobRyan admits that way back when there were far fewer fossils of the many pre-modern horse species in existance, even then they fit into a smooth transitional sequence!

#2. They PRESENTED MERE STORY as though it were "DISCOVERED FACT" in the fossil record - presenting parent-child SEQUENCES that were not valid! They presented specimens that did not show the link in the fossil record that they "needed" so they simply ARRANGED them to show what they needed.
In other words, BobRyan admits that on further investigation, even better candidates for the sequence structure were located than were already in possession!

#3. They ARRANGE the fossils showing smooth transitional sequences - with smooth contiguous size and shape changes SHOWN specimen by specimen starting with the very earliest sequences! They created arrangements - rather than discovering the sequence IN the fossil record!!
BobRyan further admits that a smooth continuous arrangement of the fossils remains possible!

Gosh, with enemies like that. evolution hardly even needs its friends!


Well-Known Member
The fact challenged tactics of evolutionists on this thread have been painfully obvious to reader with an ounce of objectivty.

#1. They dodge direct response to direct questions.

#2. They gloss over inconvenient details.

#3. They deny the obvious at every turn.

#4. They practice atheist darwinist methods of "revisionism' for every detail of history they portray.

A perfect example of these "tactics" follows as Paul has provided it.

Originally posted by Paul of Eugene:
From BobRyan's own post I will show the truth of evolution theory!

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by BobRyan:

#1. The smooth transitional sequence they CLAIMED to have DISCOVERED - did not happen in nature at all. They simply took existing specimens and ARRANGED THEM to "fit the story"!
In other words, BobRyan admits that way back when there were far fewer fossils of the many pre-modern horse species in existance, even then they fit into a smooth transitional sequence! </font>[/QUOTE]In this classic bit of denial, obfuscation, revisionism and outright misrepresentation - Paul "claims" to read INTO the quote above that the smooth transitional fossil sequence that was ARRANGED -- in fact OCCURED IN the SEQUENCE that all atheist darwinist NOW DENY and which obviously every other thinking human denies!!

How "odd" that Paul and UTEOTW practice such obvious revisionist methods!!

Paul then shows in an exact quote from me that I made the point of the fraud that "Arranged data to FIT the story" -- painfully obvious to ALL!

Bob Said
#2. They PRESENTED MERE STORY as though it were "DISCOVERED FACT" in the fossil record - presenting parent-child SEQUENCES that were not valid! They presented specimens that did not show the link in the fossil record that they "needed" so they simply ARRANGED them to show what they needed.
But since Paul and UTEOTW actually ENDORSE the fraudulent methods of atheist darwinist - methods that "ARRANGE THE DATA TO FIT THE STORY" they actually view that first ARRANGEMENT as "good science" SHOWING what is DISCOVERED in nature (when in fact the data is ARRANGED to FIT their STORY - i.e. FRAUD!!)

But of course their tactics of "revisionist history" is perectly fitting with the FRAUD practiced above and so it hits their blind spot!

Paul said
In other words, BobRyan admits that on further investigation, even better candidates for the sequence structure were located than were already in possession!
So your "revision" for the historic fact of fraud is "an even better sequence was imagined AS if it were DISCOVERED FACT"???

A more perfect "confession" of their complicity in promoting Atheist darwinist fraud could hardly be imagined.

How can you and UTEOTW keep doing that with a straight face?

Who falls for that kind of bogus reasoning??? Petrel?? (well ok - probably yes on that one. )

What about Mercury?

In Christ,
