Many years ago, the East Coast suffered from "brown-outs" which refers to a condition when the electrical demand (driven by being very cold or very hot) exceeds the available generation "on line." The Utilities solved this problem by the use of "rolling blackouts" where sections of the load are dropped until generation matches demand. Then other sections are dropped and the ones first dropped are re-energized. This is a fine "emergency" action.
But, because of the NIMBY environmentalist lobbies, Americas has not built sufficient additional generation capacity, so when just about anything happens, the Utilities drop loads. Some of my kids, grand kids and great-grand kids live in Texas and are without power. Now one of my little tykes has asthma, so they had to drive at 3:00 AM in very cold and icy conditions nearly 70 miles to reach a relative with power so the kid's nebulizer could be powered.
So yes folks will blame reliance on frozen wind-farms, but the censors will not address the need to build a more robust power system.
But, because of the NIMBY environmentalist lobbies, Americas has not built sufficient additional generation capacity, so when just about anything happens, the Utilities drop loads. Some of my kids, grand kids and great-grand kids live in Texas and are without power. Now one of my little tykes has asthma, so they had to drive at 3:00 AM in very cold and icy conditions nearly 70 miles to reach a relative with power so the kid's nebulizer could be powered.
So yes folks will blame reliance on frozen wind-farms, but the censors will not address the need to build a more robust power system.