Prince Reibus: "We thank you for the opportunity and THE BLESSING that you've given us to serve your agenda and the American people." (From the video in the OP)
Mike Pence: "I've gotten to know our new President. We traveled a lot together. When the cameras are off and the -- lights are off, I'll tell you two things I know for sure. Number one,
I've never met anyone more dedicated to the safety and security of the people of the United States of America, or
anyone who is a greater strategic thinker about how we accomplish that for this nation."
Remarks by President Trump and Vice President Pence at CIA Headquarters
Preibus: I’ve never seen anyone work harder and have more energy than this president.” [Trump is setting records for weekends away from the White House spent golfing.]
Priebus: Not Making Any Commitments on When Trump Will Undo DACA
What do you call people that defend the President's assertion that the inauguration day crowds were the largest in history when they clearly were not?
What do you call a President who tweets a photo of himself allegedly writing his inaugural address but it was really just him posing with a pen and paper at the concierge's desk at his Mar-a-Lago resort?
What do you call a President that foregoes daily intelligence briefings because he "knows more than the generals."