Originally posted by SAMPLEWOW:
I'm quite sure you have lied cheated or stole and for that I am proud of you
If I had, it would have been for me to do so.
How many did you lead to Christ yesterday or last month or last year?
What does that have to do with the price of tea in china? I don't know. Only God knows. I don't keep track, lest I boast. If the Holy Spirit called me to share the Gospel. I shared it. I wasn't aware it was a numbers game, nor was I aware of the idea that winning souls somehow absolves someone like Hovind of being a liar, fraud, cheat, and charlatain.
Remember do all things to the honor and glory of God.
I'm sure that's what "Dr" (he's no such thing) Hovind's thinking is when he commits his charlatainism.
I think Dr. Hovind work's for God.
He's still a charlatain.
The man's still a charlatain.And yes I'm sure he has sinned and so have I and so did the Apostle Paul or did you forget that he was a murderer?