Not to beat a dead horse, but just found this in my email - little different angle on things.
'Jabez' Author Quits Africa
Prayer of Jabez author Bruce Wilkinson, who relocated to Africa from his Georgia home in 2002, has quit his ministry focused on defeating HIV/AIDS and retired from active ministry at age 58, according to a Christianity Today story. One turning point was the inability of Swaziland's King Mswati III and Wilkinson to agree on a meeting time in New York to discuss Wilkinson's plan to build homes for aids orphans. A few days after this "perceived snub," Wilkinson told staff at his Dream for Africa organization that he was stepping down and leaving Africa. For months, Wilkinson had negotiated with the Swazi government for permission to launch his African Dream Center. The center would have housed, educated, and fed children whose parents had died of AIDS, while also including a golf course and other tourist attractions. Swaziland, located between Mozambique and South Africa, is one of Africa's smallest nations and has one of the world's highest HIV/AIDS rates.
From Crosswalk news email 1-11-06
'Jabez' Author Quits Africa
Prayer of Jabez author Bruce Wilkinson, who relocated to Africa from his Georgia home in 2002, has quit his ministry focused on defeating HIV/AIDS and retired from active ministry at age 58, according to a Christianity Today story. One turning point was the inability of Swaziland's King Mswati III and Wilkinson to agree on a meeting time in New York to discuss Wilkinson's plan to build homes for aids orphans. A few days after this "perceived snub," Wilkinson told staff at his Dream for Africa organization that he was stepping down and leaving Africa. For months, Wilkinson had negotiated with the Swazi government for permission to launch his African Dream Center. The center would have housed, educated, and fed children whose parents had died of AIDS, while also including a golf course and other tourist attractions. Swaziland, located between Mozambique and South Africa, is one of Africa's smallest nations and has one of the world's highest HIV/AIDS rates.
From Crosswalk news email 1-11-06