Can I ask a serious question? How does one pray for President Trump? I pray for him often but I get hung up in mid-prayer because I'm uncertain what to say besides, "give him wisdom to know how to lead this nation in the paths of righteousness", or "please protect the health of President Trump so he can continue to appoint pro-life judges" or the ultimate fall back prayer--"thy will be done." Anything more specific than that and I get all tangled up.
Take this impeachment mess. I don't want to see President Trump get impeached. It would rip our nation apart and cause divisions among Christians, which I assume God would not want. Should I pray, "please Lord, prevent President Trump from being impeached? And certainly please don't let him be removed from office." But how do I know what God's will is in this matter? Maybe God wants Mike Pence to be President?
So, how do you pray for President Trump? Be specific.
You don't know what is God's will. It is correct to always try to pray for God's will but in order to do that you would have to be convinced that Trump is God's will. God has placed many leaders who were God fearing and not God fearing into leadership for His purposes. So Trump's past, at this point, is not relevant as he is the current President. As such pray that God would use Trump for His purposes. "They will be done" I do not believe is specific enough in that area.
Trump has proclaimed the gospel from the Rose Garden on two occasions that I know of. That alone is a reason to keep him in office. It is also a reason to pray that he remain there. Trump, as you have pointed out has appointed pro-life judges. That is yet another reason to appeal to God to keep him in place. There are plenty more reasons but you will have to compile your own list. Make it specific and make sure it is biblical.
Pray for Trump to overcome his flaws as he continues in office. List them, as you see them, specifically. While you are praying for someone else flaws be careful to consider your own. This learning to pray for Trump can become quite a time of growth for you.
Finally, pray that the plan behind the scenes, to sneakily, remove Trump, be exposed to everyone.