Alan Gross
Well-Known Member
If it is God who said - Whosoever believeth in Christ will be saved and have everlasting life (Rom 10:11, 13, Jn 3:16) - then it's a true statement to say "God wills that they who believe shall be saved".
If it is God who said in Jn 15:4 to abide in Him, then it is a true statement to say "God wills His disciples to abide in Him". It does not matter what other truths are brought to bear on this, as valid and relevant as they may be - but this is independently true because it's a direct citation of Scriptures. You may very well say, "but none can abide in Him unless God graciously worked in him and caused him to do so" - and yet it is true that God wills His disciples to abide in Him because that's quoting Scriptures directly. If one were to make the additional claim that disciples are themselves able to self-cause their own abiding apart from the grace of God, you could contest that - but not the preceding simple quotation of Scriptures.
Similarly, you cannot call a direct citation of Scriptures as untrue just because you disagree with what's to follow - contest the statements made on their own merit. Whoever believes in Christ will be saved is a Scriptural citation and must necessarily be true for all time - how one misapplies this elsewhere can be separately contested.
You have officially re-written passages before Salty shut the post down.
No, every word you write, as if it is the Wording of the passage, or even in the re-write, is not a "true statement".
Do you say that Total Depravity is something you believe, because you may say it is in a couple of verses, but that, no, IT IS NOT 'TAUGHT', OR THE OPPOSITE IS 'TAUGHT', in most other verses, so you are Arminian and simply say, you are not Arminian?
Diagram this: "God wills that they who believe shall be saved".
GOD WORSHIPS MANKIND: ( First) they who believe .... (Second) [ God wills that ] .... shall be saved
Not 'true' in a Billion years.
And it is not the same as diagramming this: Whosoever believeth in Christ will be saved and have everlasting life;
SAVED MAN WORSHIPS GOD: Whosoever believeth in Christ .....[ and have everlasting life] (that Initiated the Believing) .... will be saved (because they are Sealed)
"Direct citations" have to be interpreted, using other passages. ALL of the passages.
"God so Loved The World that"..... "love not the World, neither the things in The World".
Words in the Bible can't just be plucked around.