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Prejudice Against Blacks and the Election

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Well-Known Member
Thats a lie!!!!!


Now I suspect as many times as the mods have said that I can't say that someone has told a lie, that the mods have to abide by the same rule. :laugh: And that's not an all inclusive yall. But the behavior by some certainly does point to something akin to hate brewing.

By the way, did you know Dr. Rogers?
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Active Member
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Thats a lie!!!!!


You have said in another thread that, "Trolling for any purpose is not tolerated." At what point do you guys (mods) consider a series of inflamatory posts by an individual to be trolling?


New Member
Ya know, I'm really, really tired of this load of bull. I don't care if the POTUS is green or purple--it's his POLICIES that matter.

The whole race deal is just a smokescreen to cause division and hide the truth--Obama is destroying America, not because of his color, but because of his policy.
Right on. I cannot believe in this year 2012, there are people who exist in everyday life that think like I observed segregation in the South in the 50s and 60s. These people need to be deported to Iran.

Our nation has had mostly white, male leaders, some good, some not so good. Obama being the first black leader has nothing to do, whatsoever, with his policies, agenda, outlook, leadership ability, or character. Herman Cain or Allen Keyes would make excellent Presidents, along with former Represenative Watts.

Some of our leaders failed because of lack of leadership skills (Carter), lack of character (Nixon), or selling their soul to the opposite side (Bush, Bush). Some did a decent job (Reagan).

To further drive home the point, if Alan Keyes was running against Mitt Romney, would anyone have to even give the choice a second thought? How many would say, Keyes is black so I am voting for Romney? If one does, they do not belong in this nation.

ABC, best post of the thread.............


Active Member
Right on. I cannot believe in this year 2012, there are people who exist in everyday life that think like I observed segregation in the South in the 50s and 60s. These people need to be deported to Iran.

Our nation has had mostly white, male leaders, some good, some not so good. Obama being the first black leader has nothing to do, whatsoever, with his policies, agenda, outlook, leadership ability, or character. Herman Cain or Allen Keyes would make excellent Presidents, along with former Represenative Watts.

Some of our leaders failed because of lack of leadership skills (Carter), lack of character (Nixon), or selling their soul to the opposite side (Bush, Bush). Some did a decent job (Reagan).

To further drive home the point, if Alan Keyes was running against Mitt Romney, would anyone have to even give the choice a second thought? How many would say, Keyes is black so I am voting for Romney? If one does, they do not belong in this nation.

ABC, best post of the thread.............

Black people I would vote for in a "New York Second"

Herman Cain

Alan Keyes

J C Watts

Condy Rice

White people I would NOT vote for---even if you held a gun to me

Bill Clinton

Hillary Clinton

Nancy Palosi

Al Gore


Active Member
Now I suspect as many times as the mods have said that I can't say that someone has told a lie, that the mods have to abide by the same rule. :laugh: And that's not an all inclusive yall. But the behavior by some certainly does point to something akin to hate brewing.

By the way, did you know Dr. Rogers?

I will not accept what you said in your above post as---truth!!!----and I do not hide behind the badge of BB moderator

I have had the privilege of meeting Dr. Rogers

Scarlett O.

Zaac said:
Yall hate the man. It is what it is.

Hmmmm....accusing the brethren day and night. That's the devil's job, Zaac, not yours. Revelation 12:10

You couldn't nail us to the wall with your "a vote for Romney sends non-believers to hell" routine, so now you are trying the old and false racism song and dance.

It's all nonsense on your part.

But this statement - that those of us who are not voting for Obama are not supporting him because we "hate him" - well that, coupled with your other clown routine can only lead to one of the following conclusions.

  • You are a non-believing troll here only to stir the ant bed of the Romney supporters by accusing them falsely and watching them scurry around.
  • You are a believer trolling for Romney supporters to accuse and annoy.
Either way, your accusations are all with no merit and there is absolutely no intellectual honesty or honest debate with you, so I see no need for anyone else to try to defend themselves.

You aren't looking for the truth. You are only looking to stir discord.

Please go do it somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
Black people I would vote for in a "New York Second"

Herman Cain

Alan Keyes

J C Watts

Condy Rice

White people I would NOT vote for---even if you held a gun to me

Bill Clinton

Hillary Clinton

Nancy Palosi

Al Gore

I concur with that list. I still think Nancy Pelosi is the most evil woman in the world.


Well-Known Member
It is your claim, so the onus is on you. Unless you can back it up with Scripture, you are making an unsupportable claim. That's what false teachers do.

Yes you would know about false teachings. So as soon as you show where we're to support that which is against Christ, there's a discussion to be had. Till then, you and your Obamahate can go troll in another thread.


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Guess it's not to big of a stretch at all that a lot of white voters will not vote for Obama just because he's Black.

NO! that holds for Black Americans, as they will vote for him JUST due to him being a Black American, and the shame is that many of them will be Christians who have allowed race to come before Christ!

Most whites, especially Christians like myself, will NOT vote for him due to his views and polocies, NOT his race, as I will gladly support a Black candidate expressive biblical values/positions!


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Yes you would know about false teachings. So as soon as you show where we're to support that which is against Christ, there's a discussion to be had. Till then, you and your Obamahate can go troll in another thread.

I suppose it was asking too much of you to show some honesty by backing up your statement with Scripture.

You have nothing but a penchant for false allegations, dishonesty, and trolling.


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Hmmmm....accusing the brethren day and night. That's the devil's job, Zaac, not yours. Revelation 12:10

You couldn't nail us to the wall with your "a vote for Romney sends non-believers to hell" routine, so now you are trying the old and false racism song and dance.

It's all nonsense on your part.

But this statement - that those of us who are not voting for Obama are not supporting him because we "hate him" - well that, coupled with your other clown routine can only lead to one of the following conclusions.

  • You are a non-believing troll here only to stir the ant bed of the Romney supporters by accusing them falsely and watching them scurry around.
  • You are a believer trolling for Romney supporters to accuse and annoy.
Either way, your accusations are all with no merit and there is absolutely no intellectual honesty or honest debate with you, so I see no need for anyone else to try to defend themselves.

You aren't looking for the truth. You are only looking to stir discord.

Please go do it somewhere else.

Another awesome post by Scarlett O.!


Well-Known Member
But where are you getting this "we are expected to vote for the lessor of two evils" from? That's not Biblical.

is there a time Biblically, in which God ever directs Christians to give a larger platform to that which is against Him?

Okay. Seems to be enough manipulating going on by both parties. Somebody has obviously convinced you that we have to vote for the lesser of two evils.

So if you know it's a sham, why give either of the anti-Christs your vote? If you recognize it to be a sham, then you obviously recognize that both sides are being pimped by the same people to ultimately elect more of the same.

So why be bullied into voting for that?
I believe that if we don't at the very least try for the lessor of two evils the most evil will win.

I will vote, because the lessor of two evils is perrable to the worst of the two. No one is bulling me into voting for anyone but I'm smart enough to know that things can be worse than they are. Besides not voting is just as wrong as choosing the lessor. Especially if the most evil wins and your vote could have help prevent him from taking office.
I hardly think either is The Anti Christ because neither comes from the right place that was prophecised. I don't believe we've had a trully christian president in about 23 years.


Well-Known Member
I respectfully disagree.

We, the Christian majority, nominated these "creeps". We let the Washington establishment choose for us. Where were the Christian majority voters when, systematically, every conservative candidate was kicked off the ballot?
I didn't like any of those who might have been called conserative.
By the time the polls opened here in NC in May, the damage had already been done. We already knew exactly who would be on top of the ticket in the fall.
Of course we knew and you can bet those at the top of the party also knew.
We wasted 3 years that could have been put to good use towards having someone "worth their salt" on the Republican ticket in November. We didn't. The blame rests solely with us. We nominated these "creeps" for 2012, just as we did in 2008.
Yes we did. We have to think ahead and this is all the more reason to start looking for a good canidate for 2016 now.


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IMHO the Persident that is elected is elected according to the will of God;

And regardless of who is elected it will not be done as the establishment of the kingdom of God for that is not what the world or the United States of America desire.

Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven will take place at the timing of God the Father.

This election is opposed to that.

There lesser of two evils would be nice but I am not sure when the fruit of knowledge was eaten it filled with us knowledge.


Active Member
IMHO the Persident that is elected is elected according to the will of God;

And regardless of who is elected it will not be done as the establishment of the kingdom of God for that is not what the world or the United States of America desire.

Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven will take place at the timing of God the Father.

This election is opposed to that.

There lesser of two evils would be nice but I am not sure when the fruit of knowledge was eaten it filled with us knowledge.

When we pray "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven"-----means this----we are praying Lord----let the things that are happening in Heaven right now be the same thing that is happening on Earth! Let it be on Earth the same as if Earth were Heaven"

Not everything on Earth happens according to the will of God but rather AGAINST the will of God---and is done in rebellion against God----the rise of Nazi Germany was NOT according to the will of God but was done AGAINST the will of God-----and God just merely allowed the rebellion against Him by the people of Germany to proceed on to its final stench!!
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Well-Known Member
Hmmmm....accusing the brethren day and night. That's the devil's job, Zaac, not yours. Revelation 12:10

You seem to be pretty good at accusing the brethren too Miss Scarlett. In fact this whole board seems to be good at accusing the brethren. But I guess in yall's eyes Barack Obama isn't a brother because you don't think he is. Forget what he says. Right is in accordance with what the pro-Romney crowd says. :laugh:

You couldn't nail us to the wall with your "a vote for Romney sends non-believers to hell" routine, so now you are trying the old and false racism song and dance.

You think entirely too much of yourself if you think I've got a desire to nail you to anything.

It's all nonsense on your part.

Thank you for your two bits.

But this statement - that those of us who are not voting for Obama are not supporting him because we "hate him" - well that, coupled with your other clown routine can only lead to one of the following conclusions.

  • You are a non-believing troll here only to stir the ant bed of the Romney supporters by accusing them falsely and watching them scurry around.
  • You are a believer trolling for Romney supporters to accuse and annoy.
Either way, your accusations are all with no merit and there is absolutely no intellectual honesty or honest debate with you, so I see no need for anyone else to try to defend themselves.

You aren't looking for the truth. You are only looking to stir discord.

I could care less what conclusion it leads you to. Your conclusion says one thing. My conclusion says that several of you harbor hate in your hearts for that man.

And there's no need to debate the truth. Folks go back and forth about OPINIONS because they have to PROVE their case. I'll just keep repeating the TRUTH.:wavey:

So the behavior of you and the lot on here can only lead to one of three conclusions:

(1)You're all a bunch of non-believing trolls here to convince the world that your hypocrisy is righteousness;or

(2)You're a bunch of believers trolling and consumed so much by your selfish desires to win an election, that you ignore what God's word says;or

(3)Everything you and the lot say is without merit and lacks any spiritual honesty with anyone letting the Holy Spirit deliver Truth. The constant hypocrisy stinks to God's nose.

And you're right about one thing. I'm not looking for the Truth. The Truth found me a long time ago. And it's that TRUTH that makes clear what surrounds this need for Christians to support that which is against Christ and then try to justify it.

So if you haven't noticed yet, there's no break or bend here. The lot of you are wrong and God will make that clear in due time.

And in case you're wondering. Truth ALWAYS stirs discord amongst those who reject it.

Please go do it somewhere else.

I'm good right here. When God says it's time to go, then I'll go. :)
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