What's the difference between what I post and what you post?
I can provide evidence to support what I post. You on the other hand have to resort to name calling and "monkey business" to support what you post.
One would think that for a guy that puts as much stock in "'crediblility" as you do you'd at least be able to support what you say with some actual honest to goodness
evidence. See definition above.
But apparently you're having some difficulty finding it among all the "mainstream" corporate sponsored allegations.
Here's how our "disscusions" usually go . . .
OR says, "Russia Invaded And Occupied Crimea!"
Poncho says, "show me the proof".
OR says, "shut up conspiracy theorist or I'll sick my monkey on you!"
Poncho says, "
under the partition treaty signed by Russia and Ukraine, Russia is allowed to have up to 25,000 troops in Crimea"
OR says, "shut up conspiracy theorist or I'll sick my monkey on you!"
Poncho says, "Under the terms of this treaty Russia is allowed to have up to 25,000 troops, 24 artillery systems 100 mm or smaller, 132 armored vehicles and 22 military aircraft in Crimea."
OR says, "shut up conspiracy theorist or I'll sick my monkey on you!"
Poncho says, "Okay then show me the
proof (see definition above) you have that Russia has indeed 'invaded and occupied' Crimea."
OR says, "shut up conspiracy theorist I already gave you the proof, Mark P. Lagon said; 'On March 18, 2014, the Kremlin followed its illegal invasion of Crimea by officially annexing the peninsula."
Poncho says, "That's not proof, that's an
allegation (see definition above) with no supporting
evidence (see definition above). I asked for evidence not another allegation. BTW I can only view everything your "source" is claiming if I register with WSJ and pay Rupert Murdoch a dollar a week for the "privilege" of reading the rest of Mark P. Lagon's
baseless (see definition below) allegations.
Baseless: without foundation in fact
OR says, "shut up conspiracy theorist all you ever post is BULL, Na Na Na Na Na Na!"
Poncho Says, "I think you must have
"evidence" (see definition above) and
"BULL" (see definition below) confused OR. I've gone to great lengths to explain exactly what the difference between an unfounded "allegation" and "evidence" is. I even posted links to the definitions to make it easier for you to understand.
Bull: an uncastrated male bovine animal.
OR says, "shut up conspiracy theorist or I'll sick my monkey on you, Russia invaded and occupied Crimea, Mark P. Lagon said so!!! He has big time corporate sponsors so it must be true!!!"
Poncho says, "I don't suppose you're ever going to understand that saying something and proving it are two different things."
OR says, "shut up conspiracy theorist or I'll sick my monkey on you all you ever post is BULL!!!"
Poncho says, :tonofbricks:
Meanwhile back in Crimea one year on . . .
Russian Crimea: One Year Later
NATO calls Crimea "invaded" and "occupied." NATO has taught the world well what invasion and occupation really looks like, and Crimea isn't it.
< snip >
In 2003, NATO-members joined the United States in the invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq. An estimated 1 million people would lose their lives, including thousands of Western troops. For nearly a decade the United State occupied Iraq, and during its attempts to prop up a suitable client regime, laid waste to the nation. American forces in their bid to exercise control over the Iraqi population would conduct sweeping assaults on entire cities. The city of Fallujah would be leveled nearly to the ground, twice.
The US also maintained prison camps across the entire nation. Some vast and spanning, others dark and secret, including the infamous Abu Ghraib prison and the atrocities carried out there. In addition to Western armed forces, a significant number of paid mercenaries participated in both the occupation and the atrocities carried out during it, including the mass killing of civilians resulting in criminal cases still reverberating through Western legal systems and undermining Western credibility worldwide.
This is what real invasions and occupations look like.
The armed entrance into a nation, the absolute subjugation of all its people through maximum force - or as the US calls it "shock and awe" - and an occupation by gunpoint with tanks and troops in the streets of a people who do not want them there, and who are willing to fight and die to drive them out.
Continue . . .
Poncho says, "that's what an invasion and occupation actually looks like.
Can you show me where that has happened in Crimea OR?"
I'll go ahead and re-post all the "evidence" CMG has provided in this thread now so he doesn't have to strain himself repeating it.
Anyone care to guess what OR's next reply will be? Will he show us some actual evidence this time or will he call me a conspiracy theorist and threaten to sick his monkey on me again?
Now for some real
BULL from Faux Snews.
Fox ‘News’ ‘Expert’ Says We Must “Start Killing Russians.”
On this video from Fox ‘News':
At 3:30, Lou Dobbs asks the Fox Noise military analyst: “What do you expect” in Ukraine?
At 3:35 he answers: “In the Ukraine, the only way that the United States can have any effect in this region and turn the tide is to start killing Russians … killing so many Russians that even Putin’s media can’t hide the fact that Russians are returning to the motherland in body bags.”
Continue . . .
Notice that Fox's "expert" claims there are "12,000 Russian troops in Ukraine" but offers no evidence to support this claim.
In that case then Faux Snews "expert" is calling General Viktor Muzhenko (the general of the whole Ukrainian army appointed by Poroshenko) a liar.
Because on Friday January 29, 2015 Ukraine General Viktor Muzhenko admitted his army is not fighting against Russian troops.
I guess OR missed this bit of information again. This is what the fourth or fifth time he's missed (overlooked, ignored) it now?
Apparently Faux Snews "expert" either missed this bit of information or he is overlooking/ignoring it and lying through his teeth.
What that's you say? Faux Snews doesn't lie or have liars on their programs?
PunditFact, a sister site of PolitiFact dedicated to fact-checking pundits and talking heads, last looked at its network scorecards in September. The scorecards measure statements made by a pundit or a host or paid contributor on a particular network. They do not include statements made by elected leaders, declared candidates or party officials.
So what’s the latest tally?
At Fox and Fox News, 10 percent of the claims PunditFact has rated have been True, 11 percent Mostly True, 18 percent Half True, 21 percent Mostly False, 31 percent False and nine percent Pants on Fire.
That means about 60 percent of the claims checked have been rated Mostly False or worse. Here’s how it breaks down (as of Jan. 27, 2015):