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Principled conservatives love Trump.
Barry Goldwater's "The Conscience of a Conservative" was the first political book I read. Also, read Robert Ringer's "Restoring the American Dream" and "In Defense of Freedom: A Conservative Credo" by Frank S. Meyer. Books that led me to be a dues paying member of the Libertarian Party for about 36 years.
"Among the wreckage wrought by President Trump is the death knell of the classical conservatism advanced by Barry Goldwater and William Buckley a half-century ago.
In high school, I was captivated by the vision elucidated by Goldwater in “The Conscience of a Conservative”: Limited government. Local control. Respect for the Constitution and rule of law. Protection of privacy and individual autonomy. Opposition to totalitarian ideologies which stifle individual enterprise and the human spirit. “The enemy of freedom,” Goldwater wrote, “is unrestrained power” — including corporate power."
Donald Trump and the death of principled conservatism - The Boston Globe