Not at all.
Hmmm...seems to me that such a stance would be rather problematic for anyone who considers himself to be a Christian.
I am anti-war. BUT if we are talking about war theories then a position closer to total war makes sence.
In the US it is our elected leaders who are over the military. In such structures I am not sure tgat you can divorce the citizens from the nation when it comes to war.
The other side of the coin is non-democracy governments. But still, the intent of total war is to galvanize the citizens against their government.
And then there are situations like WW2 when you are combating a nation that subscribes to total war.
The problem with a strict military vs military war is it resolves nothing (often war, regardless, resolves nothing). The citizens remain loyal to a "defeated" nation and history repeats itself in some form.
That said, I am speaking of war theories. As a Christian I am opposed to war, the death penalty, abortion, etc.