Jeff Weaver
New Member
Virginia ORB said:o.k., it may be just the ones I've attended. Could you list the associations that are believers in limitied predestination?
Here we go
Those who are considered limited predestinarian:
In Virginia
Washington District (Wise, Russell, Dickenson, Buchanan Counties)
Sandlick District (Wise, Russell, Dickenson, Buchanan Counties)
St. Clair District (Washington & Smyth Counties)
In Kentucky:
Mates Creek District (Pike County)
Union (Letcher County)
Powell's Valley (Southeast Corner and in Northeast Tennessee)
Those considered to be absolute predestinarian:
In West Virginia
Tygart's Valley River
In Kentucky:
Mates Creek (one small faction)
In Virginia
New River District (Carroll/Floyd Counties)
Pigg River
Staunton River
Smith River
Those considered to the Universalists:
Stony Creek (upper east Tennessee and Scott Co., VA now extinct)
Three Forks of Powell's River (Lee and Wise Counties now extinct)
Old Constitutional Washington Association (Wise, Russell, Buchanan, Dickenson counties, and a couple of church in NE Tennessee)
Elkhorn Association (Southern West Virginia - two factions)
Union (Letcher County, Kentucky)
There is also a Union ORB Association which has the same roots as the two Primitive Baptist Union Associations.
Hope it helps.