He was fired, as he should be. Harry & Meghan will be next if they continue their selfish ways. The Firm will protect itself from self destruction. Too bad for the Queen, these years should be golden for her. She has done the right thing but her family is betraying her, forcing her hand. I empathize.
Could not have been better said, or also understated.
Queen Elizabeth II is arguably one of the greatest Monarchs Britain has ever had.
She is a rock.
She is a defender and example of all that was good in the British Empire for centuries, and she has protected it for decades.
What her children have done to her is a travesty.
Much more than smiling and waving, Elizabeth truly understands what the job entails, it is the protection of a language, a culture and a tradition and the duty of embodying all that it entails.....
Harry's marrying of a divorcee' American harlot is a death-knell to what that poor woman is trying to accomplish.
I pity her; I admire her; and I sigh as I watch the death of one of the greatest Empires the world has ever known.
Her 14th great-grandfather is Alfred the Great.....the man who can be genuinely credited as having preserved the English way of life, law, and language....
English, incidentally, is attested as a literary language older by 3 centuries as any Romance language e.g. French, Italian, Romanian, Spaish, et. al......
Because her forebear, Alfred preserved it as the language of literature, Theology and knowledge.
Us, 'Muricans only have access to the most expressive and Universal Lingua-Franca the World has ever known because of the legacy that Alfred, and his 14th great-granddaughter protects. It is Apocalyptically horrid to watch the downfall of the British Monarchy. And Elizabeth's horrid children are the tools of Satan used to bring it down.
That is the legacy she protects, and she does it brilliantly, but her children have sacrificed that legacy upon the altar of whoredoms and neglect and ignorance. Watching the death of Britain is to watch the death of Western Anglo-Saxon culture, and it is tragic. Elizabeth is a hero.....I weep for her.