...No the thing is you got to sucker a person into a fake christianity and when they are all well invested, oh by the way we have a prophetess. Which is probably the same order you got suckered into that faith. ...
I do not have to 'sucker a person' into anything, and do not ever desire to do so. I have a love of the Truth, as it is in Christ Jesus, and want people to come to Truth an come to know God (the Father) and Jesus Christ, not merely join a church. It is no good to simply be a member (born in and raised or come from elsewhere) and not have that (John 17:3). It is useless religion. A round of ceremonies. Vain worship otherwise. Sadly, many are just in that condition, but God still loves them to send them a wake up call.
I know of no other real Christianity utilyan. I looked. I did not simply abandon Roman Catholicism on a whim and it took a mighty struggle (because I had then a false understanding of God as I can see now looking back) to cast away the final piece of it, the rosary beeds that I had gotten in my confirmation so many years ago, that I had kissed so many times, prayed so many times, many 'decades' (back when it was only 3 mysteries, not 4). I did not go to any other, based on mere happenstance. God providentially led me directly to the door of the Seventh-day Adventist movement, and I had never even heard of them before that time. No one came looking for me, except Jesus Christ, by His Holy Spirit. I am His own.
I was not 'deceived' by a 'nameless' prophecy seminar. I was upon my knees in prayer unto God, unlike so many these days. I asked Him directly. He then, by His providence, took me through many things to come to that door, including deep study of the Bible like never had before, and also history.
God, had already, in His providence given me the book Desire of Ages (7 years before I knew I needed it, or would even read it, or know who it was by (I received it in the mail from a nameless person I had spoken with one day over the internet - I still do not know who that person is). I didn't know who the author was, or whose material it was. I didn't care at the time, and shelved it along with many other things on that shelf.
So, I went to where God led, first to my knees, then to His word, then to many other providences, etc. I even during that time was given by a friend (russian baptist) a set of questions (50+) on sabbath that supposedly sabbatarians can't or won't answer. God used that very thiing, that I was not expecting to convince me of the truth of that area. And that was just one of the many providences that took place (btw they all have answers, its cake-walk now, though then I warred for weeks on each question until I was settled in the truth by prayer, bible study and in history, etc).
So, no utilyan, I came to know sister White and the material by personally taking the time to read, and study and compare her with scripture, as scripture commands me to do. I have tested, as I tested others (Catholicism (pope, etc), JW, LDS, Baptist, etc). This was the genuine article. I could not find any way out, except that I deceive myself or lie to myself, which I almost did. it would have been much easier on me to just deny all the providences, truth, etc that I was shown. My relationships, parents, family, friends all could have remained as they were, but I would know (I would KNOW) that I lived a lie. No, I chose, as Abraham, as Moses, as others, to go forward with Christ and bear the reproach with Him. My relationship with my parents has never been the same. Most of my family is still Roman Catholic working for the local bishop in the city in which they reside, inspite of all that I demonstrate to them (but some are older, so I get it), and most of them are 'good people' (you know what I mean), and even some of them I believe will truly be in heaven inspite of their dying (soon) in the system of Roman Catholicism, but that gives no excuse to others. My old friends are all long gone (even the russian baptist, have no idea where they are).
It costs something to follow truth. Yet, even so, God rewards and shows me things of Himself yet still. I know God loves me, for He chastens me and doesn't let me go without warning. He blesses and shares marvelous things out of His word which most will not understand, as their heads (hearts/minds) are so much in the world. It would be like trying to tell a two year old entranced with a phone and its light, about the glories in history, the human body, the stars, prophecy and a myriad of other things. I could sit an speak with such a person, but mostly be ignored, or get a look of not understanding, even if I slowed way down to explain it.
The walk with God is brighter and brighter, closer and closer, and soon, I will be home, only a few last parts (soon to take place) to go.