Again, the "woman's right to choose" argument is the dumbest in history. If a woman has the right to choose whether or not to murder the baby in her womb, then a woman has the right to murder the 3 month old infant that is keeping her up at night crying, or the 2 year old that just behave, or the teenager that is being rebellious, or her middle age husband who has life insurance. You see, the unborn has a life just like the born. If I can lawfully choose to murder in cold blood a baby in the mother's womb, then I should lawfully be able to choose to murder in cold blood any individual I come into contact with. To come to any other conclusion is to be inconsistent.
Another point here: we, as a society, need to understand that "tolerating" abortion as a society subjects our society to the judgment of God. People want to point to abortion as something God will exclusively judge the particular person responsible for. To come to this conclusion is to ignore the OT and history. God has always judged nations for their sins. While I fully believe that God will individually judge these women for murdering their children, I also believe He will judge our society here in time if we do not turn aside from this wickedness.