I searched to find the statement of faith of SBU (referenced in the president's letter). It can be found at the bottom of the page
University Charter for Southwest Baptist University
Article XVI, Section 2
The Board of Trustees adopts the following Statement of Faith and Belief:
It is hereby expressly declared that Southwest Baptist University is, and must forever remain, distinctively a Baptist institution. It must conserve, defend, and promote the fundamentals of the Baptist Faith, and in all its teachings and policies conform to and be in harmony with the established and acknowledged principles and policies of Baptist churches affiliated with the Missouri Baptist Convention and with the Southern Baptist Convention.
We hold the following as fundamental Baptist Doctrine:
- Belief in the inspiration and all sufficient authority of the Bible in all matters of Christian faith and practice.
- The absolute Deity, the Virgin birth, the vicarious death, the bodily resurrection, the visible second coming, and the supreme Lordship of Jesus Christ.
- That salvation is only and wholly by grace through faith.
- That the human conditions of salvation are—Repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
- That the individual soul is competent to deal directly with God through Christ.
- That all members are entitled to equal privileges in the church.
- That the true ideal of the relations between church and state is "a free church and a free state."
- That a church is a body of baptized believers associated together in solemn covenant, with Christ as its head and the scriptures as its Law, to worship God, conserve and administer the ordinances of His house, and to preach the Gospel to the world.
- The ordinances of the church are two, viz: Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
- That baptism is immersion in water, by a scripturally authorized administrator, of a believer in Christ; that its purpose is to symbolize the death of the subject to sin and his resurrection to a newness of life.
- That the Lord's Supper is memorial in nature and that the terms of admission to the supper are regeneration, baptism, and church membership.