Then how would you explain that Gulley and others state unequivocally that it does not? And by the way, everything expressed in that post is quoted from Dr. Gulley, not me. Hence, the "quote" box. As I said, I cut-and-pasted from an online PDF he posted.
Perhaps you do hold to a literal reign, but the doctrine of Progressives is that the throne Jesus sits on in heaven is the Throne of David, and He reigns now in a metaphorical millennial reign. Everything you can find online states that to be the case. Therefore, I must conclude that you believe something the rest of the Progressives do not.
No, some progressives assert that the throne at the right hand of God is David's throne, and therefore Jesus is sitting on David's throne. However, that is not, repeat, is not a "key tenet" of progressive dispensationalism. This topic has been addressed before, but I will quote it again.
See the link to Progressive Dispensationalism 101Warner said:Some progressive dispensationalists believe the Davidic Covenant is also partially fulfilled during this dispensation, with Christ seated on David's throne at the right hand of the Father. This in no way diminishes His future reigning in the Millennium. However, this is NOT a crucial issue within progressive dispensationalism. Other progressive dispensationalists, including this author, agree with traditional dispensationalists that this covenant will only be inaugurated upon the second coming.