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I'm thinking of riding my horse to church next Sunday and set him right on the front pew, after all the bible don't say anything against it. Whatcha thank ?![]()
I'm thinking of riding my horse to church next Sunday and set him right on the front pew, after all the bible don't say anything against it. Whatcha thank ?![]()
But it's a skirt!!!
There is a walk with Christ that only those who have his Holy Spirit within them knows what i am talking about. The bible speaks about quenching the Spirit, it says not to grieve the Spirit. David said, return unto me the joys of they salvation. The Psalmist David said, Search me, O God and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. What do you think would cause a christain to loose the joy of their salvation ? David wanted that intimate relationship with the Lord. Being indoctrinated with a certain belief is not salvation. Christ in me, my only hope of glory for a sinful sinner such as i, is my salvation.You seem very focused on worldly things. It may be in a negative way, but that is all you seem to think about. It almost seems like you have a genuine fear of material objects. That is all they are is objects. The daily Christian walk is not as you describe. One who is walking with Jesus everyday thinks about spiritual things. These things are no concern one way (pursuit of worldly goods) or the other (an unhealthy fear of objects to the point of being obcessed. People like this think so much about the harm this or that does, they have no time for Jesus Christ.
Your posts really miss the concept.
That does not fly. You talk about and show more concern for material objects than you show concern about telling others the Gospel.There is a walk with Christ that only those who have his Holy Spirit within them knows what i am talking about. The bible speaks about quenching the Spirit, it says not to grieve the Spirit. David said, return unto me the joys of they salvation. The Psalmist David said, Search me, O God and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. What do you think would cause a christain to loose the joy of their salvation ? David wanted that intimate relationship with the Lord. Being indoctrinated with a certain belief is not salvation. Christ in me, my only hope of glory for a sinful sinner such as i, is my salvation.
You lost me on that one. I don't get your drift.That does not fly. You talk about and show more concern for material objects than you show concern about telling others the Gospel.
I've been following this thread and have a question. Re: Church dress code and the unsaved visitor- Who is being served by it and how: God's glory and furtherance of His Kingdom, or churchgoers and their sense of righteousness?
It seems to me that Our Lord accepts us where we are, without condition. As for those without Christ who visit our churches, they ought to be accepted likewise. We forget too easily that we were there once.
How many of these churches who would turn away or chastise those who they are trying to reach sing Just As I Am at the end-of-service invitation?
There is a walk with Christ that only those who have his Holy Spirit within them knows what i am talking about. The bible speaks about quenching the Spirit, it says not to grieve the Spirit. David said, return unto me the joys of they salvation. The Psalmist David said, Search me, O God and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. What do you think would cause a christain to loose the joy of their salvation ? David wanted that intimate relationship with the Lord. Being indoctrinated with a certain belief is not salvation. Christ in me, my only hope of glory for a sinful sinner such as i, is my salvation.
There is no salvation apart from personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.
Originally Posted by saturneptune
You seem very focused on worldly things. It may be in a negative way, but that is all you seem to think about. It almost seems like you have a genuine fear of material objects. That is all they are is objects. The daily Christian walk is not as you describe. One who is walking with Jesus everyday thinks about spiritual things. These things are no concern one way (pursuit of worldly goods) or the other (an unhealthy fear of objects to the point of being obcessed. People like this think so much about the harm this or that does, they have no time for Jesus Christ.
Your posts really miss the concept.
I've been following this thread and have a question. Re: Church dress code and the unsaved visitor- Who is being served by it and how: God's glory and furtherance of His Kingdom, or churchgoers and their sense of righteousness?
It seems to me that Our Lord accepts us where we are, without condition. As for those without Christ who visit our churches, they ought to be accepted likewise. We forget too easily that we were there once.
How many of these churches who would turn away or chastise those who they are trying to reach sing Just As I Am at the end-of-service invitation?
You have a strong implication in your words, here and elsewhere, that unless others agree with you they are not members of the body of Christ. That only those who share your specific viewpoints have the Holy Spirit in their lives.
Next, I can't see how a discussion of "Proper Sunday Dress" has anything to do with "cause a Christian to lose the joy of their salvation". Sometimes when heart shattering, and especially humbling, trials and tribulations come in life, the "joy of salvation" is the only thing left to hang on to that gets us through those times. "Sunday best" and "women wearing pants" most certainly does not rise to the level of holding on to the joy of salvation by our fingernails when we are tested by satan. Our Father does not allow us to be tested beyond what He knows we are individually capable of bearing. With the Holy Spirit within us, the light of our joy of salvation may be dimmed from time to time, but that light never goes out. -- I know. I've been there.
You are in a forum where you have committed to being a Baptist to enter. You are in conversation with other Baptists who have also professed the following. (The only way to become a "Baptist".)
Yet, you say: "Being indoctrinated with a certain belief is not salvation." within the context of a conversation with differing viewpoints of how cloth should cover a human being. How many other people in this forum equate what one wears (a work) to be vital to become/remain a member of the body of Christ? He died in an agony so deep that I'll never fully comprehend to take my sins upon Himself. Soldiers gambled for the few pieces of clothing He wore -- His only earthly possessions. HE DIED FOR ME. His clothing served to cover His body while He walked on this earth. His clothing served to fulfull prophesy told long long before He was born.
Yet, you make a statement, in a clothing discussion with fellow Baptists, that implies a strong condemnation of anyone here who does not share a "certain belief" with you, in their walk of faith. You, I,(in particular) and anyone else reading these threads are sinners and fall far short of the glory of God.
May I suggest that you prayfully think about it as you re-read SN's post and, hopefully, your reply to him.
People of Baptist faith believe a lot of different things. Some believe a congregation should only sing from the psalms, others are careful to sing songs that only glorify Christ, like Amazing Grace. Others sing the stamp/ Baxter songs that has a mixture of arminian and calvinism combined. Some Baptist churches have church activity such as bingo games others don't. Some Baptist churches are free will others a calvinism. It seems sinse i mentioned in my very first post i believed women shouldn't wear pants in church thats what according to you i am referring to when i try to discuss other subjects like the Holy Spirit in our lives. A lost man can be indoctrinated as well as a saved man can be was my point in the other post. As far as faith is concerned, there are a lot of different oppinions on that to in the Baptist faith. Some believe in order to be saved their faith has to believe in Christ, others believe it is the faith which Christ works in you, (His Gift) that lays hold of Christ. You say all i want to talk about is clothing, i say thats what everyone else thinks i am thinking of every time i try to discuss anything, for an example your post. Michael put's fuel on the fire about what i said about John the Baptist, and then someone else gives a illistation about a man that comes to church with breakfast on his face. I would be the first to buy John a closet full of any kind of clothes he wanted and if he didn't want them then praise the Lord. You say unless people agree with me i don't think they are in the body of Christ, i say, it seems if i don't agree with you and everyone else that is detemined to prove me wrong, then in your eyes i'm not fit to be a Baptist. I should have did like the lady after she made her strong point of veiw about wearing certain type of clothing in church, she never posted back after she was jumped on. I did say once i had made my last post on the subject and i was answered with don't let the door hit ya where the Lord has split ya. A person that talks like that to a new member surely isn't dispaying the spirit of Christ, Oh i forgot, he is of the same oppinon of things as you are.
Mexdeaf, i except your apology, Let brotherly love continue.Jesus said similar things many times, just not in those words.
I'm truly sorry if you found my words offensive, but it seems that what I said did make you have some second thoughts about your beliefs. Iron sharpens iron, but it may also create only sparks, heat and hardening. The way you respond to it is key.
I know clothes don't have anything to do with being spiritual unless there is a lack of clothing but i do think it shows the world that when you go to the house of God to worship God you have enough respect for His presence to clothe your body in the best you have whether it be a suit, or the best over-alls you have.
So if a wealthy couple are accustomed to occasions where dress is formal dresses and white tie and tails and they own those that is what they should wear to church?
Quote, I know clothes don't have anything to do with being spiritual unless there is a lack of clothing, unquote. What was meant by this statement was complete nakedness, and also it was said in humor.In all the churches i attended as a child growing up people dressed up or as the saying goes they put on their Sunday best. In some churches in my area they still do but as the times has changed you see less men with a suit on and tie or a lady with a dress on. I know clothes don't have anything to do with being spiritual unless there is a lack of clothing but i do think it shows the world that when you go to the house of God to worship God you have enough respect for His presence to clothe your body in the best you have whether it be a suit, or the best over-alls you have. As far as ladies wearing pants, sorry but i'm old fashion about this, i think they shouldn't wear clothing that might entice men to lust.
Quote, I know clothes don't have anything to do with being spiritual unless there is a lack of clothing, unquote. What was meant by this statement was complete nakedness, and also it was said in humor.