New Member
Revmitchell said:We do need a new image. We need a new image that includes a rejection of abortion and homosexuality. An image that shows this country will once again be proud to stand for biblical principles. An image that we are united and are not willing to run around the world with irresponsible dissent giving aid and comfort to our enemies.And am image that rejects the authoritarian polices of the liberal leftists.
If you look at the graphs, it seems that our image has gone down significantly under the Bush administration, i.e. the conservatives. We had almost the entire world on our side in sympathy for the 9/11 attacks and then we invaded Iraq with minimal support from our allies and very little discussion with the world at large. That's what caused the large drop from 2002 to 2006 not the "liberals." Let me say that I don't support abortion or other abuses against the sanctity of life. I also don't support homosexual marriage or same sex unions. You seem to paint those who don't agree with the radical right with the same brush. That's incorrect and naive.