Very interesting.
Austrian scientists have made possible what looked impossible till now. Quantum particles tunnel through 5 barriers in a breakthrough of sort.
Can atoms tunnel through impregnable barriers? Thus far it was thought to be impossible.
But now Austrian researchers have concluded after extensive experiments that it was actually possible to tunnel cesium atoms through barriers.
Austrian researchers have proved beyond doubt that tunneling atoms through barriers was feasible with a little help of quantum particles.
There is no denying the fact that quantum tunneling is very difficult process. Scientists have concluded that under right conditions quantum particles can pass through impenetrable barriers.
Though the same process is done in transistors but this actually involved a single particle tunneling through a solitary barrier.
But in the latest breakthrough they were able to tunnel at least five particles through multiple barriers.
A report in LiveSciences says, “In classical physics, an object can only go somewhere if it has enough energy to do so. For instance, a ball sitting at the bottom of a hill can’t go over the hill unless someone pushes it up with enough energy, said study co author Hanns Christoph Nägerl, a physicist at the University of Innsbruck in Austri But one consequence of quantum mechanics is that subatomic particles don’t have one fixed location until they are measured.
Instead, a particle has some likelihood of being in every possible location the likelihood of it winding up on the other side of the hill without a nudge is very, very small, but it’s not zero. Very rarely, a quantum particle can “tunnel” to locations that classical physics would say they couldn’t reach”.