I see the two covenants, law and grace, in the Bible, period!Originally posted by Craigbythesea:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> I see the covenants in their dispensational framework.

Dispensationalism is theological nonsense!
The Bible is very careful to refer to some things as covenants (Noah, Abraham, Moses,David, New, etc.), and it is just as careful to NOT refer to other things as covenants (His instructions to Adam, the counsel of His own thoughts before the world was made, etc.).
Covenant theology may make sense logically and philosophically, but it is not only NONSENSE Biblically, it is NONEXISTENT Biblically.
Please help me here:
So where are the "Covenant of Law" and the "Covenant of Grace" SPECIFICALLY mentioned in the Bible?
Where in the Bible are the Covenants referred SPECIFICALLY as "administrations of the one covenant of Grace?"
A student asked me once where to find that the "Covenant of Grace" and the "Covenant of Works" were promulgated, and when did it happen. I said, "Oh, probably in Witsius' study in the 17th century, because they are not in the Bible for sure."