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I happen to be a Southern Baptist. My city happens to be the world headquarters of three (actually four) Pentecostal denominations. I know very well what these kinds of churches are and what they look like and what they act like.Aaron said:I told you it wouldn't be long. Here's a Southern Baptist that you can't tell from a Pentecostal. (Not all Pentecostals are Oneness.)
I believe in 2000, in one of my first posts, I said that in about 10 years you won't see a difference in the Baptists and Pentecostals.
With folks like Mark Driscoll claiming unchallenged to have received divine revelation, arguments about tongues in the mission boards, and, most telling, the adoption of Pentecostal worship styles, it's gonna snowball now.
If you think that SBC churches are the same as these then you are very, very sadly mistaken. Oh, I am sure there are a few out there like that, but I am also sure that there are some Pentecostal churches that look and sound like Baptist churches, too. The SBC is not a strict governing body in that it allows each church to be autonomous so long as they agree to and uphold the Baptist Faith & Message (which is a very loose doctrinal document in my opinion). This could very well allow some fringe churches to be a part of the SBD... just as an IFB church could do whatever it wants as long as "Baptist" is on the sign out front. There's not much difference between an IFB and a SBC church, other than the BF&M.