Dave G
Well-Known Member
That's right, if we are like the particulars claim, that is dead like Lazerus, then why would we, having a nature that leaves us dead like Lazerus, need to be blinded by the God of this world?
Because Satan wants to be like the Most High, hates God, and does his level best to sabotage everything God does...which Satan and his angels do everyday. They're on borrowed time, long leashes ( some would say short ones ), and they know that they have been defeated...but they're going to go down fighting anyway. To them, I imagine that levels of Hell don't really matter, as Hell was created specifically for them and they know where they are going. They don't have a choice...
Men left in their sins don't really love the God of all creation ( because they are still unregenerate and dead towards Him ), so their "choice" is to beg God for mercy, agree to do anything that He says to "get Him off their back" and out of Hell, and then go right back to their sins, hoping that God doesn't notice their "tiny infractions", which invariably show through no matter how "moral" they are. What's more is, they've already made their choice ( John 3:19-20 ), and what they deny, is that God knows the hearts and minds.
Religion at its finest.
Man's hard heart is untrustworthy...which is why it takes the power of God to do two things:
To overcome Satan's power, and the blindness and spiritual deadness in our natures.
But because He is willing to show His wrath and to make His power known, He leaves the lost in their sins and His power only brings His children to Himself when He calls them through His word and through His Spirit. Regeneration...turning the hearts of His people towards Him, one soul at a time.
I couldn't make this up if I tried, Mr. Mitchell,
It's way too detailed.
I see this when I read God's word...but I didn't always; it took a long time for God to show me.
May He bless you in the knowledge of His grace, sir.
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