With that said both Pelosi and Trump are of the same ilk .
False, they could not more different. Trump rubs shoulders with working people. He isn't afraid to associate with the unwashed masses that Pelosi does her best to avoid. Pelosi sees herself as elite and everyone, including the president as beneath her. She, reportedly, doesn't talk directly with her paid staff. I wouldn't be surprised if they are not allowed to make eye contact with her.
Trump likes working people and he goes to hospitals and personally delivers Purple Hearts to injured service personnel. He supports and takes a personal interest in our law enforcement and shows up to pay his respect to them at memorial services like the one they held last week or so. He gets out of DC to be around regular people.
He doesn't con the voters at all. If he were a con, we would not see him fulfilling over 70% of his promises and we would not see the positive changes he promised would come. Trump actually does what he says he will do. That is not the nature of a con.
I would suggest that they want to ultimately remove the power of the electorate... or at least cobble them into warring fractions... the old divide and conquer strategy.
It's only the Left that is calling for removing the Electoral College and it is only the Left that is using illegal aliens as pawns in order to make them voters before they become citizens. They are the ones trying to remove the power of the electorate. That is all on the Left.
Next remove the existing government and replace it with... now this is tongue & cheek, With a firm, kind and benevolent government which will gladly relieve you of governmental responsibility.
And all that has to happen is for the citizenry to give up their responsibility for judgement, thought (particularly thought) & responsibility.
Now that tactic wears many names... Marxism, Bolshevik strategy, socialism leading to outright Communism. And this is what we are facing... all government history is conspiratorial.
That is the ultimate goal of the Left that Trump thwarted. If Hillary would have been elected, we would have a socialist police-state. Socialism/Communism and Fascism have found their way into our political system under the cloak of "liberalism."