Again, that's simply not true. Blacks commit disproportionately more murders for the percentage of the population that they are in comparison to the number that Whites commit. But that in itself is kinda crazy because you'd have to establish that the majority is only allowed to commit so many murders and that Blacks would then be measured against that.
In general, there will just about always be more crimes committed by Whites who are in the majority simply because there are so many more Whites in the US than Blacks and Hispanics and Asians.
By sheer numbers, in 2011, Whites committed 3172 murders. 2630 of those were committed by other Whites. That's 83% of White on White murder.
In 2011, Blacks committed 2695 murders. 2447 of those were committed by other Blacks. That's about 91% of Black on Black murder.
There's not that big of a difference between them as again, the majority of crimes committed are committed by people of one skin color towards a person of the same skin color.
This whole notion of Black on Black crime when you don't hear the same thing being said about White on White crime or Hispanic on Hispanic crime does nothing more than perpetuate the majority stereotype that Blacks are more prone to violence because that's what the "conservative" political narrative has become.
EVERY skin color overwhelmingly commits crimes of every sort and type more often against that same skin color. It's a fact that's readily verified by the FBI and the DOJ.
But this conservative political notion of Black on Black crime being so much more out of control than the others has helped to create an American society where Blacks are viewed as angry and violent. You don't see that being done with any other skin color. Why?
I believe once again because the devil is busy. If you can keep people divided over something as stupid as skin color, then ain't nobody gonna be preaching the Gospel.