I know WV is a red state but I find some of these views interesting. Tiny, not to pick on you but what is going on in your neck of the country? Do you think having a black president, if he turns out to be good for the country, will help to resolve some of these feelings? I know these feelings are not limited to WV, what is happening in your neck of the country?
Yet here was Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, on Sunday, taking a bus tour along the Ohio-West Virginia border — a white, economically depressed region where the Republican ticket, it turns out, is now struggling to prevail. And on a weekend when racial issues flared once more in the presidential campaign, race was also on the minds of many voters here, who said they were wary of a black president even if he might be better for them economically.
“What you hear around here is, would you rather have a black friend in the White House, or a white enemy?” said John Schuster, a Republican from Wheeling, W.Va., who joined several thousand people here for a twilight rally led by Ms. Palin.
“Most guys I know are for McCain, and a lot of it’s because of race,” Mr. Schuster continued. “Obama doesn’t have the right friends — that Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers the terrorist. The thing is, Obama may be better for jobs. But a lot of us don’t trust him.”