It seems there is a trend, as of late, towards committing violence, threatening violence, destroying the livelihood of, and speaking with hate towards white people and especially straight white males. It only increases towards white Christians.
While the majority of Baptist churches take a strong stand, at least in word, against racism, in the United States it has historically referred to racism towards non-whites.
I am curious to find out if your church is addressing this and if so, how. With the rapid growth of this issue, pastors and counselors will soon be faced with more members seeking advice on how to handle the problems they are facing because of their race.
Has anyone seen this yet? Is there a plan on how to advise? Do you think people will come for help, or do too many believe that it's not discrimination when it happens to a white person?
The Fellowship I attend addresses this issue by educating the congregation of what it means to be a Christian. Race has nothing to do with it.
In Christ there is one man created in the Body of Christ. Racism has no place in the hearts of Christians.
The plan should be, as it always has been, to see people saved. Peter learns a great lesson of God in regards to Cornelius, though Peter will need a lesson or two more afterwards. The point the Lord makes is "Call not that which I have cleansed unclean." When anyone professes Christ and at the same time behaves un-Christlike, we have to wonder whether it is a matter of being saved and just ignorant of the commands of Christ, or if they simply seek to associate Christ with satanic doctrine and practice which has been the course of the world from the very beginning.
You are correct in pointing out that Christian whites are a specific target these days. You are correct in pointing out and calling violence for what it is...violence.
This mentality has been used for centuries as justification to fulfill what can in no way be associated with Christian Practice. There is no Scriptural justification for "Christian looting," "Christian violence," "Christian Murder..."
Yet we have those who feel these actions are justified. The irony is those same people will likely be the first to use the Crusades and witch hunts as examples of why "Christianity" is to be targeted.
Again, the only way this/these issue/s will be addressed is doctrinally. It is our duty to try to make it clear that the pseudo Biblical Justification some appeal to in their demonic doctrine and practice is deceptive and damning.
If we can encourage these folks to actually study the Bible, perhaps they might exchange their doctrine and practice for that which Christ commands.
God bless.