Originally posted by UTEOTW:
[I want Lub's logic and the supporting scientific citations.]
You really ought to buy his book then.
[I, too, am human. I am Homo sapien. This does npt preclude me from also being a member of higher taxonomic groups.]
Higher groups?
[Four instance, my species is warm blooded, has hair, has a four chambered heart, gives birth to live young and feeds its young through lactal nipples. This makes me placental mammal.]
What makes you think you're a 'species?' You said you were human.
[I am human and as human I am also an ape and a primate.]
How did you get to be an ape if you are human? did some neo-Darwinist race theorist put you on the same tree with a family of great apes?
[You claimed that there were no post-cranial differences.]
I said that their wasn't much difference.
[You now claim that if there are differences, that they are just racial variations. If you are going to stick with the racial bit, then tell us why the differences which I cited are not seen in the racial variation of today.]
Racial variety in the present human race is obviously different from the racial variety in the past human race.
[On what basis do you claim it as racial variation when such differences are not observed between the races?]
Since racial variety is all that is evident in the human race today, with no speciation occuring for thousands of years, it is safe to assume that this same human race only witnessed racial variety in the past with no speciation occurring.
[It would be interesting to see when you think differences in physical traits are enough to classify two fossils as different species. You have shwon on this thread that you are willing to make that distinction, even between two sets of fossils that are so similar that there is debate as to where each should be classified.]
Human fossils may be classified as racial varients of the past human race but since human fossils themselves offer no evidence for or against interfertility, none can be classified as separate 'species.' Not scientifically, at least.
[We get a record of evolution so complete that we can't tell where to draw the line between how we catagorize the endpoints and you still find something with which to complain. But between the two endpoints there is enough difference in both morphology and behavior to know that only one end is a truely modern human.]
That's why grading human fossils of the past human race in an evolutionist continuum from "truely modern human" back to African apehood, is truly a scientific form of ancestor racism. As Jared Diamond says; "Neandertals were human, but not fully human." Lubenow points out that Jared Diamond wouldn't say that about the human ancestors of Tasmanians, since he would classify them as modern Homo sapiens.
[Would you like to take a wild guess at potential differences between you and I that some might justify as classifying us as different species? I bet there are no such differences.]
I agree, yet you would call yourself an ape that goes along with neo-Darwinst theorists who consider our Neandertal ancestors less than human.
[Pierolapithecus catalaunicus.]
How can Pierolapithecus catalaunicus be a sub-race or 'species' of the past human race if its genus tells us it's an ape? Do you know that some old Homo sapiens fossils have been discovered in Spain recently? They were buried in a cave along with other Homo erectus and Neanderthal specimens about 400,000 y.a.
[I suppose that we will never get you to debate with facts and references.]
I debate with facts and references all the time. You just refuse to acknowledge them.
[Of course, it is hard to find YEers that will do so. Usually if they try, their "facts" will desert them.]
Now, now. don't let neo-Darwinist race theories color your attitude towards other people of faith.