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Does Satan have control over inanimate objects? Can Satan influence mechanical devices (like a locked door)? Please give Biblical examples.
Do you remember the powers of Jannes and Jambre? They transformed water into blood. Water is not an animate object but an inanimate object.
It does not say they were "able to manipulate" organic material. Where do you get that idea from? There is nothing in the text that infers it was manipulation but the inference is demonic power being expressed. You really don't think Angels (Satan is an angel) can "move" objects? An angel can produce fire, a inanimate substance. move a rock (Mt. 28:2). Satan picked up the physical body of Christ and sat him on top of the temple. He did not do this by possessing Christ! Satan is attributed with sending the storm, collapsing of the house where Job's children sat. Angels control the elements in Revelation (storms, earthquakes, etc.). Satan's power is attributed to doing sign wonders and miracles just as the apostles and Christ. They certainly are able to appear as men and move things. God is spirit and yet he move objects. Satan is going to take an inanimate object and make it come alive. Repeatedly in Scripture demonic power is attributed to sorcerers, enchantments, charmers and wizards, witches as the source of their supernatural powers.Yes, they were able to manipulate organic material.
I'm looking for examples in the Bible where demons had the power to move inanimate objects, like what Evan6587 is describing with the security door.
Yes, they were able to manipulate organic material.
I'm looking for examples in the Bible where demons had the power to move inanimate objects, like what Evan6587 is describing with the security door.
It does not say they were "able to manipulate" organic material. Where do you get that idea from? There is nothing in the text that infers it was manipulation but the inference is demonic power being expressed. You really don't think Angels (Satan is an angel) can "move" objects? An angel can produce fire, a inanimate substance. move a rock (Mt. 28:2). Satan picked up the physical body of Christ and sat him on top of the temple. He did not do this by possessing Christ! Satan is attributed with sending the storm, collapsing of the house where Job's children sat. Angels control the elements in Revelation (storms, earthquakes, etc.). Satan's power is attributed to doing sign wonders and miracles just as the apostles and Christ. They certainly are able to appear as men and move things. God is spirit and yet he move objects. Satan is going to take an inanimate object and make it come alive. Repeatedly in Scripture demonic power is attributed to sorcerers, enchantments, charmers and wizards, witches as the source of their supernatural powers.
Thanks for the references. I think you are correct that demons can move inanimate objects. I simply could not recall any instances from scripture. The incident when Satan makes the statue of the antichrist speak is a strong example.
At work I got to witness something supernatural. This one employee was able to open and close doors mentally with his mind. Only I got to witness him doing this and he asked me not to tell anyone. I asked him how he got his power, and he did not want to talk about it. I do not know much about him outside of work other than the fact that he likes to read Joel Osteen books. Scarry.. Anyone ever had this experience?
I and my fellow counselors have seen this very thing on a number of occasions. But undoubtedly Pope revmitchell will tell you otherwise. You see he and Rolfe are the end-all of spiritual warfare and you must get their approval to have credibility on this board. Like the athiest who says, "If I didn't see it it doesn't exist. If I never experience it, it does not happen."
Can devils do supernatural things? Can they turn rods into snakes? Can they levitate people to the tops of high mountians (ahem! to view all the kingdoms of the world?) Can they bring forth offspring i.e., giants genetically? Can they bewitch an enitire population (Acts 8). Can they appear as monstrous locusts with the hair of women, and the stingers of scorpions? OF COURSE NOT....just be sure and listen to the above mentioned critics: they will steer you right (cough, cough) every time, fella.
In the meantime, watch out for slamming doors.Eek
It sounds like you were taken snipe hunting.
With post #52 (http://www.baptistboard.com/threads...th-real-power-today.99768/page-3#post-2229523) on page 3 admitting that the original thread starter got sniped, and no demons were involved.Lol, regardless, the hoodwink has thus far spawned a 4 page thread on demons and the power of the devil.![]()
With post #52 (http://www.baptistboard.com/threads...th-real-power-today.99768/page-3#post-2229523) on page 3 admitting that the original thread starter got sniped, and no demons were involved.
Might I suggest this thread be closed?
Awww look how he loves me. Can't post without me.
You see he and Rolfe are the end-all of spiritual warfare and you must get their approval to have credibility on this board.
Yes I was fooled by some RFID device which is able to open and close doors remotely.
Yes I was fooled by some RFID device which is able to open and close doors remotely.
That may be true for you but what we saw was not faked. Not only have we seen doors thrown open but glasses bottles materialize before our eyes and smashed on the floor, butcher knives being thrown into stone walls at high velocity, candles light by themselves, and entire kitchen cabinets and doors thrown open dumping all the plates, glasses, and silverware out on the kitchen floor at the same time.
We found out first hand that what the Warrens said about their Amittyville case was real. I am not Roman Catholic like they were/are but I discovered that such things happen as we saw it personally in the four different houses we were called into help. But I thank God the Lord was with us and we had good results.
Someone's gotten all of us at one time or another. Military guys used to think it was a challenge to see just how badly they could get you. And yes, they got me.Yes I was fooled by some RFID device which is able to open and close doors remotely.
That may be true for you but what we saw was not faked. Not only have we seen doors thrown open but glasses bottles materialize before our eyes and smashed on the floor, butcher knives being thrown into stone walls at high velocity, candles light by themselves, and entire kitchen cabinets and doors thrown open dumping all the plates, glasses, and silverware out on the kitchen floor at the same time.
We found out first hand that what the Warrens said about their Amittyville case was real. I am not Roman Catholic like they were/are but I discovered that such things happen as we saw it personally in the four different houses we were called into help. But I thank God the Lord was with us and we had good results.
Thanks for owning up to being tricked. That's huge. or as the Donald would say 'That's YUGE'!I watch Ghost shows on TV as well. Once I called one of the hotels that was featured on Travel Channel and learned that the TV show did not fake or lie about the ghost encounters.