They are instituted by God. That institution is for remembrance, just as the Passover was instituted for remembrance.
To add salvation to participation in the sacraments would be a false teaching that neither Jesus nor his Apostles ever taught.
You cannot find anywhere in my posts where I said baptism or the Lord's supper saves. They are both covenant ordinances therefore a command for the redeemed of God, already made alive, to perform/keep
Ezekiel 36:27 gives the order of the steps.
1. And I will put my spirit within you (made alive)
2. and CAUSE you to walk in my statutes (Eph 2:10) (because I have made you alive)
3. and ye SHALL (not a option) keep my judgments and DO them (Jer 11:6...HEAR ye the words of this covenant and DO them}
Who can hear and do without first being made alive?
He who hath and ear, let him hear what the spirit (Step 1) saith unto the churches.
If instituted by God as you rightly say, then a command, as real as Matt 28:19-20. Or is Christ's command of the great commission optional and for remembrance only.
The whole new covenant is for using to bring to remembrance the work of Christ for his people but he had them literally perform them. (...DO this. Luke 13:34) (Eph 2:10)
Keeping the ordinances is also part of loving God and thy neighbor as thyself