You are just repeating the claim (as is your ha it) instead of backing up your allegation. Your claim is false. Don’t tell lies.
Republicans (and Trump) hold to that as well.
Please provide documentation.
You previously made this claim and are just repeating it without supporting the accusation. Stop spreading lies.
If most Muslims DIDN’T understood their religion as a religion of peace, we would be in an endless war here in the US and across the world. There is a HUMAN problem with people using religious belief to control others, including to kill people.
Please provide documentation of this position. What you may not like is that you accusation is more similar to what the Bible teaches than what either Republicans or Democrats believe.
It’s a historical fact that there was both wide acceptance and the practice of chattel slavery in the “slave states” is well-documented US history. A person who DOESN’T believe that is completely deluded.
White people have controlled the institutions of power, at the federal, state and local levels, throughout almost all of US history. To ignore that is also to live in delusion.
Other than Jesus, I don’t look to other people to define my beliefs.
You need to either back up your wild claims or repent of repeating lies.