From the article (clearly revealing that Ravi was engaged in evangelism, not ecumenism):
Peggy Fletcher: Have your views of Mormonism changed since you came here ?
Ravi Zacharias: If there is anything that has changed, it is [Latter-day Saints'] willingness to enter into dialogue and conversation on these matters rather than shutting the door and remaining impervious to academic interaction. ... Obviously our beliefs are dramatically different. They know that; we know that. But I look at it this way: I am a Christian apologist. I engage Muslim audiences around the globe. I have spoken at many of their major universities. ... They invite me on the basis of my writing. They know I am a follower of Jesus Christ. They know my worldview is different, but they also know I will engage cordially and, hopefully, accurately with them. I was born and raised in India, I speak on many Hindu campuses, Buddhist campuses, stridently atheistic campuses. [Despite] my beliefs being foundationally different from the Mormon world's starting point and their emergent beliefs, I think unless you are willing to talk and dialogue honestly on this, you never get anywhere. Building a bridge doesn't mean surrendering ground.