R. C. Sproul
I listen to R. C. Sproul on the radio program 'Renewing Your Mind'. I've never been to his church, but it is located not too far from where my son is enrolled in college so the thought has crossed my mind to check it out next time I'm there.
My background is Southern Baptist; in dog years that means I was a (active) member of a SoBap fellowship from the time I was in 'cradle roll' until I was in my middle 50s. Part of that time I was pastor of a small SoBap church in the wilds of PDSR California. Since then, I've attended other flavor Baptist churches and now find myself in a Berean Bible Fellowship church.
So I'm pretty familiar with Christianity and essential doctrines.
In addition to that, I spend twenty-eight years getting paid to find out what people didn't want me to know about them. (Flatfootus Federalis.)
R. C. Sproul doesn't set off my Bad Theology detector. (That's the gist of it, details follow.)
I have noted he is not a hard line Baptist. He is unquestionably a Calvinist, and doesn't seem to care who knows. He claims to be of 'reformed' school rather openly. So if any of that is a problem, he's guilty. (Not much of a hoot give I.)
I heard him - within the last week or so I think, time does move at varied rates for me - speak about 'baptizing' infants and my ears perked up. I can't remember all he said, but when it was over, he did NOT claim that infant baptism was sufficient for salvation and a guarantee of future relationship with God. Being a basic Baptist, I thought it odd to mention at all, but on the whole didn't find his remarks either blasphemous or heretical.
As I said, I listen to "Renewing Your Mind" regularly and other than a mild 'quibble' about detail from time to time, I find no great problem with his theology. (I have about the same view of J. Vernon McGee - to whom I have listened since about 1965 or so.) I rather think I would be comfortable in his church as he would be in mine (which I do not pastor these days.)
Disclaimer: I am not the final authority on Mr. Sproul. I cannot and will not take on all comers regarding 'I heard he said...' or what he '...really believes...'. I would suggest listening to his radio program and making notes about perceived 'heresies'. That's a much better source of information than second-hand reports from others.