In the parish in which I attend, there are people who I would say are 'pew potatoes'. They attend mass but wouldn't be able to tell you what the scripture readings were about or what the points of the sermon were. I'm not so sure that was not the case in the Baptist church I attended. Lots of nominal Christians out there to be sure.
However, there are plenty of Catholics in my parish who actively live out their lives in Christ. Their walk matches their talk. Their lives and witness are such that I have no doubt they trust Jesus for their salvation.
Baptist4Life has expressed the view that many on this board have expressed. That being that 'any truly born again Christian will come out of the RCC.' Well, I know I am born again in the way that satisfies the Baptist idea of 'born-again' and I have no doubt that I have found the Church Christ established. I know a lot of other Catholic Christians who have left their evangelical churches and who also had given their lives to The Lord before finding the truth of Catholicism and are happily serving Christ in the Catholic Church.
Baptist4Life and others on this board may well think that a 'true Christian would leave the Catholic Church', but reality is, as seen by the other converts on this board, that we believe we have found biblical Christianity and the Holy Spirit is not telling us otherwise.
However, there are plenty of Catholics in my parish who actively live out their lives in Christ. Their walk matches their talk. Their lives and witness are such that I have no doubt they trust Jesus for their salvation.
Baptist4Life has expressed the view that many on this board have expressed. That being that 'any truly born again Christian will come out of the RCC.' Well, I know I am born again in the way that satisfies the Baptist idea of 'born-again' and I have no doubt that I have found the Church Christ established. I know a lot of other Catholic Christians who have left their evangelical churches and who also had given their lives to The Lord before finding the truth of Catholicism and are happily serving Christ in the Catholic Church.
Baptist4Life and others on this board may well think that a 'true Christian would leave the Catholic Church', but reality is, as seen by the other converts on this board, that we believe we have found biblical Christianity and the Holy Spirit is not telling us otherwise.