Is Bernard Goetz out of prison? Nah, I don't think he was the body builder type.
As a Dragnet fan, I know there was a show about a case much like this. Several movie theaters had reported thefts of promotional posters for movies based on comic book superheros. One theater employee finally saw the robber, and described him as wearing a green suit with a red cape and mask. He did not prove that difficult to catch, once the word got around about his M.O., but the interesting part, of course, was who he was, why was he stealing superhero posters and why he was dressed like that. He claimed he was the "Crimson Crusader" and he could not reveal his 'true identity' or his effectiveness as a crimefighter would be lost. But under further questioning he finally relented and told his real story. His name was Stanley Stover, and he had been the victim of bullying and friendlessness as a child. He began to become obsessed with comic book superheros, who could fly, or beat up a dozen criminals at once, or, his favorite, 'Captain Lightning,' who wore a silver suit and goggles, could turn himself invisible at will. He began to think that he personally knew them and was one of them. The questioning had taken place in his room at home, and then his mother, who never understood him, walked into the house, and Stanley was beginning to cry because she would now find out he stole those big posters in his room. Sgt. Friday and Ofc. Gannon also look as if they are about to cry, after getting the truth. Stanley walks over to the wall with his big poster of Captain Lightning, and cries with his head against the wall. As he walks away, his tears are on the wall are now streaming below Captain Lightning's eyes, making C.L. look as if he was now crying.
This "Batman" surely knows he will be caught sooner or later. I wonder if there is a similar story to be found out; except he apparently really does have the strength and dexterity to fight criminals-- if they're unarmed and in no more than small groups.