Yes, you took the OP subject off topic by the 5th post in the thread.
The press is mean and on attack and not coming together. CBS violated the rules of Journalism 101. CNN launched a personal attack on the President for not the first time with Acosta, who is their best reporter I guess. CNN could just ask a question without the personal attacks. In the My Pillow case (pun intended), the media thought that Mike Lindell should not talking about families reading the Scripture together in a blatant attack on the Bill of Rights:
"My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell says God put Trump in the White House and tells people to read the Bible while standing behind a presidential seal on government property in a clear violation of the separation of church and state."
As the original post said in the opening statement:
"There’s little doubt that many in the establishment media are trying to turn the coronavirus pandemic into their own windfall against President Donald Trump, and it’s becoming apparent some have resorted to using fake news to do it."
I thought that the author of the American Thinker post did a good job of exposing what the media did on Monday that to me myself is outside the parameters of what it means to be an American. You yourself can draw your own conclusions. As I told you before, I was not the one who was off topic in the thread that you found inspiration in and the other poster admitted it in case you did not double check the record. I also agree with the author of the American Thinker post that all three of these stories are related in that they show the pouncing on tiny little points, all of them wrong, during a time of domestic crisis in a pandemic not seen for a hundred years and involving a foreign enemy. So CBS is aligned with other evildoers as it is hard to believe that they did not know that they were posting a false picture and it is impossible to think that they should not have just said that they were showing the picture from Sky News from Italy because they did not have anything else. Then it would not have been a problem. But CBS lied. CNN attacked. And many cut away so as to not show American businessman and patriot Mike Lindell and others like Sarah Reese Jones made a false accusation that it was in violation of the First Amendment for Lindell to say read your Bible.
This is what happened on Monday.
Here is the CBS picture without the Sky name and without proper identification:
As you can see by comparing it from the Sky picture posted above, CBS lied.