Here is a pretty good list of why I cannot support the Republican Party.
Today's Republican Party has sold out to the wealthy elite, and only cares about helping the rich get richer.
They take millions of dollars in donations from lobbyists and mega-donors, all the while corrupting our democracy and electoral process.
Republicans today are in bed with the likes of Big Oil, ensuring that Big Oil can get even bigger, while our planet slowly gets destroyed.
Republicans today support policies that have destroyed a once flourishing working-class.
Like Scott Walker in Wisconsin, they want to rid the US of the labor unions that helped to build this country and make it great.
Today's Republicans go out of their way to sabotage a sitting president, and deliberately try to sabotage foreign policy and diplomatic efforts.
Today's Republicans don't care if millions of Americans can't get access to lifesaving and affordable health care, and they don't care if millions of Americans are struggling to put food on the table each and every night.
Today's Republicans don't care if our bridges are crumbling, our roads buckling, or our electrical grids failing.
They don't care if more Americans are in debt than ever before or if college education in our country is becoming a luxury that only the wealthy elite can afford.
While the Republican Party may have started out with some progressivism in its blood, today all that party cares about is money, big business and serving the needs of the wealthy elite.