Originally posted by Frogman:
Dear Brother Phillip,
Thank you for the spirit in which you are discussing this with me.
Let me ask you something. How did Satan present the command of God to not eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
He told her the command as taught to her by Adam (who received the command) was a conspiracy theory. She believed this and thereby being deceived ate of the fruit that was pleasant to look upon and had the ability to make her as God knowing good from evil. It was Adam, who had received the command, who then being presented with this reality of what Eve did who chose to be with her rather than with God.
Thanks for your posting.
Bro. Dallas
I've searched all over Genesis and I just can't find the term "conspiracy theory". I even had my computer do a search on it. I did find it in my "Bible Code" software that I quit using when I couldn't find my own name anywhar's in there. It was on the same page as: "Easter Bunny".
I am just joking, I hope you realize. I do see your point and I do agree with it.
Okay, let us say that I agree totally that nobody should see the movie. I could even do that, but let me ask you this...: Don't you think that since so many non-Christians HAVE seen the movie and WILL see the movie that we Christians ought to mobilize and at least USE that to explain the sacrifice Christ made for us? I'm not saying that we can't point out where there are errors in the movie, but, shouldn't I take that advantage that just might open the door for someone that would not ordinarily discuss Christ with me? If so, wouldn't that be "God" using it to his advantage?

Just curious?
I do want to say that I respect you and your presentation of your beliefs and "on this board" I do have a tendency to jump over the rails a little too quickly, do in part to some people who make rash statements they cannot back up. Upon reading your posts, I do realize that, unlike many people who post, you have done your homework. I can appreciate that.