Okay, so if the owner wants to charge a black person double, or not serve them at all?Religion, race, gender are some of the criteria in the law. Without laws against discrimination, we would have a society ruled by the tyranny of the majority. I cannot refuse to sell my home to anyone based on these same criteria. I would not want to return to the days of Whites Only establishments, or not being allowed to bu a home if I happen to be the "wrong" religion or color.
Nope, wouldn't want a society rules by the tyranny of the majority.
Just by the majority instead of the tyranny of the minority like it seems to be over the last 8 years.
If I own my home, I should have every right to say I won't rent out that home to someone for whatever reason I chose. I don't care if it's as simple as "I didn't like the shoes she was wearing." It's MY home.
What's all the crud about returning to "whites only" stuff? Whites are discriminated against in this country. Minorities are handed out scholarships and business loans and all kinds of stuff based only on race.
I'd actually like to be in a place we've never been...where all people are considered equal humans and people are free to live as they wish without fear as long as they do not disturb the peace and safety of others.
And offering a discount to someone who memorizes a sacred text that is dear to you when they are in your place of business in no way disturbs the peace and safety of others unless they ignorantly decide to let it because they can't handle the concept of freedom.