NOPE - Grace giving!
In the New Test - "Tithe" is mentioned twice and "tithes" is mentioned 5 times !
The reference is either Pharisees boasting of themselves or mentioned as part of the Law.
Since we are no longer under the Law - then I practice Grace giving. Now, I would say that 10% is a good benchmark - but not a command.
I consider myself a gentle man who was once grace full. Does that count now that I stumble about?
I try not to be too much of a curmudgeon and give graciously the right of way when I drive.
Years ago I had a friend who was a drunkard who was gloriously redeemed. He desired to do something to show the Lord how much he loved Him. The only thing that came to the pastor's mind was to give. The man in child like innocence said, "How much?"
The pastor caught completely unprepared said, "Well, you can start by giving a tenth."
"That's great!" the man exuberantly replied. "I got two fifths under the seat of the truck, will that do?"
The man would go to his old drinking buddies and drag them into the church to hear the preaching. Some were also redeemed. The preacher - Jack Hyles. Where - Miller Road Baptist Church. When - 1950's.
Actually, in all seriousness, you are correct.
As God has given and the believer is to return a portion, not by law or obligation but out of love for the church and the work of the ministry. Should one give abundantly, then they may expect abundance, for that is a promise of the Redeemer.
But if one gives from a heart of expectation and selfish motivation, they should expect nothing in return.
I always wondered what became of the woman who gave all she had. Would she be as the lady that took care of the prophet who demanded the last of her flour and oil?