And if your view is that the earth is billions of years old, and that man evolved from 'lower' forms of life, and thus "day" could be many millions of years-- might the "Day of the Lord" be many millions of years? And Judgment Day be many millions of years?So I speculate that the end of mankind will come in a nuclear holocast, and at that time we will have the second coming of Christ. It would also be an ideal time to have the "rapture" take place.
Anyway, the earth has gone through glaciations, as well as destructive volcanoes and meteorites, which are much more powerful than the nuclear bombs we could detonate, and yet the planet and its life still survived. This recent DNA tracing effort by the NGS included in an article that there may have been 'only a few thousand' humans left after the last "supervolcano" eruption about 70,000 years ago. If there should be survivors after any "nuclear holocaust," while the rest are raptured or destroyed, would they be really humans in the biblical sense of God-breathed and in His image? Or would they be something less than that, like these supposed ancestors living 70,000 years ago and much longer ago?
That brings another question to mind... were humans before "civilization" began around Mesopotamia humans in the God-breathed sense? How about Neanderthals? Java man? the ape men (as David Attenborough called them)?...