-CHOICEHonestly, I prefer only the chapter headings for quick reference and paragraph markers, but no verse markers at all. No red letters. No commentaries or reference notes. I want to read the text with as little bias as possible. All those "helps" just serve to bias the reader.
When it comes to the items mentioned by Austin - I am PRO-CHOICE!
If you want them fine - if you dont want them - thats fine with me.
I was just thinking - have you ever heard a pastor say - "We will read vs 20-40 -
the women will read the black lettering and men will read the red lettering!
Austin stated "those "helps" just serve to bias" there is some truth to that
but if you respect the (main) author, Scofield, Thompson, Rice, Criswell, ect - the aids can be a help.