Rebuttal to follow:snip.
1) "So our redemption was from our former way of life." Our former way of life was in bondage to sin.
2) "It was accomplished by Christ's sacrifice of Himself on the cross." No, we were redeemed when God transferred us spiritually into Christ and sealed us in Christ with the Holy Spirit.
3) "He was 'manifested ....To the......elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father' Here we have a conflation, Christ was manifested to those who were then chosen during Peter's time, and those who were chosen were chosen according to God's plan of redemption through faith, with the redemption plan being formulated before time.
4) "He chose us in Him [Christ] before the foundation of the world." God chose the Word to be His Lamb, His Redeemer before time, and therefore God chose corporately those His Redeemer would redeem. We could not have been chosen individually, because we lived not as a people before we became a people chosen for God's possession. 1 Peter 2:9-10
5) "we were given to Christ by God the Father in eternity past to be redeemed (John 6:38-39; 10:27-29)." John 6:38-39 does not say when God gives individuals to Christ (transfers them into Christ's kingdom) there to claim eternity past has been read into the text. Ditto for John 10:27-29. So two examples of citing verses that do not say what was claimed.
6) "Through our union with Christ, we were 'in Christ' when He was crucified (Romans 6:8; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 3:3)," We were put into Christ (baptized into Christ) establishing our union with Christ during our lifetime, not when Christ bought mankind on the cross. We were crucified with Christ when were were baptized into Christ. So three more examples where the cited verses to not say we were in union with Christ when He was crucified.
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