2 Thess.2:7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.
For a long time, I've believed that "he" is the Holy Spirit, but the more I've thought about it lately, I'm believing "he" could be the Church.
Because the Holy Spirit is God, and He cannot be taken out of the way. But the Church shall be raptured & thus take out of the way to oppose the mark of the beast, etc. We know now there's much opposition to such a mark, even among the unsaved. Some people won't use cryptocurrency, internet monetary transactions, or even credit/debit cards, believing them to be forerunners of the mark, & some won't even have an implanted cardiac pacemaker for the same reason. And in just about every place of employment where it's offered, employees have consistently refused to have a chip implanted they could use to open doors inside the bldg, etc.
And the power of God IS in the Church, so if it's gone, that part of His power won't be here, either. And as I think about, it, as there's only one way for salvation, and the newly-saved soon receive the Holy Spirit, He must remain here to indwell the trib saints.
Other Readers, what are YOUR thoughts on this? Even as I type this, I am praying for an answer, so when I teach eschatology, I won't tell anyone wrong. Please pray for an answer before you post!
For a long time, I've believed that "he" is the Holy Spirit, but the more I've thought about it lately, I'm believing "he" could be the Church.
Because the Holy Spirit is God, and He cannot be taken out of the way. But the Church shall be raptured & thus take out of the way to oppose the mark of the beast, etc. We know now there's much opposition to such a mark, even among the unsaved. Some people won't use cryptocurrency, internet monetary transactions, or even credit/debit cards, believing them to be forerunners of the mark, & some won't even have an implanted cardiac pacemaker for the same reason. And in just about every place of employment where it's offered, employees have consistently refused to have a chip implanted they could use to open doors inside the bldg, etc.
And the power of God IS in the Church, so if it's gone, that part of His power won't be here, either. And as I think about, it, as there's only one way for salvation, and the newly-saved soon receive the Holy Spirit, He must remain here to indwell the trib saints.
Other Readers, what are YOUR thoughts on this? Even as I type this, I am praying for an answer, so when I teach eschatology, I won't tell anyone wrong. Please pray for an answer before you post!