Put this in the "for what it is worth" file. (Maybe the round file! HA!).
I consider myself of the Founder's persausion. I studied w/Tom Nettles @ MABTS. I was at the meetings when they met originally in Memphis. I am a "Grace Man" (5 pointer). I teach at a Baptist college in the Mid South; Religion and Public Speaking. I have been studying the Doctrines of Grace for over 30 years and am now reading Timothy George's book "The Theology of the Reformers." (I highly recommend it!!!!).
A few things that I have learned that might inform your situation.
it is not my job to make everyone a Calvinist.
they must "come into the doctrines of Grace" on their own and in their won time.
a church is more than just a place to worship for some folk. It is a type of "home" where some find friendship and security and other things. And these things take time to build.
if one is reared in a religious tradition, the local church and church membership is that expression of the above security or "home" as it were.
Luther said: "The church reformed and always reforming." The Founder's movement was started at its inception to "reform" the SBC churches. They (we) wanted to bring the Reformed Doctrines of Grace that made up one branch of the SBC historically back to the SBC churches. Therefore, "brighten the corner where you are!" as the old Southern Gospel song declares.
I have been faced with some of the same issues(s) with my wife. But, we are "entrenched Southern Baptists." So, I as you, will "keep moma happy!" And you know, "If moma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"
You can bring about some reform where you are. But, be ready for some quizical looks and even some angry responses.
I would encourage you to read Piper, Broadus, Boyce, Manley, JL Dagg, JB Johnson, Jesse Mercer, etc., who by the way are all Southern Baptist. Then you can say that what you b/l puts you in the mainstream of SBC thought at the founding days of the Convention.
I hope this helps!