That begs the question by presuming the point up for debate, now doesn't it?Well, firstly you lay yourself open to Paul's rebuke in Romans 9:20-21.
Paul's rebuke is not to my objection, but to the objection of a Jew chosen for the common/ignoble use of being a hardened pot, while Paul (of the same clay, Israel) was chosen for the noble purpose of being an apostle to take the message of redemption to unclean barbarians instead of the CHOSEN ISRAELITES. What you seem to miss is that those spoken of being hardened in Romans 9 are spoken of being provoked to envy and saved in Romans 11, so they can't be the non-elect hopeless reprobates Calvinists think they are.
Where? I know that is not what you believe and I never even implied it. I know the irresistible work of regeneration changes man's desire so that they willingly come in the Calvinistic system. It may help to quote exact phrases when making claims like this so I can see where the misinterpretation took place.Secondly, you seem to have a scenario of people desperately trying to believe and God actively preventing them.
Right, notice the order. Life doesn't come before the willing... The Pharisees of his day were being hardened/blinded in their unbelief....This is a travesty. Men actually prefer darkness to light (John 3:19). "But youwill not come to Me that you may have life" (John 5:40).
Did God have to make them want to crucify Jesus or was that desire innate?Thirdly, you need to consider Acts 2:23. "[Christ] being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified and put to death." Note that it was not just 'foreknown' by God that our Lord would be put to death by the Jews; it was 'determinedly purposed' by Him. Despite that, God nonetheless holds them responsible. It was their 'lawless' or 'wicked' (NIV) hands that crucified our Saviour.
God judicially hardened or blinded them from the truth so that they would do what they ALREADY wanted to do. He didn't make them sin. He simply blinded them from the truth like a cop hiding himself from the speeder.
And there is the difference. You seem to imply God predestined/cause/determined those who sinned by crucifying Christ, but God doesn't even tempt men to sin. You seem to equate God's causing that with this causing someone to reject the gospel, but that is a non sequitur for two reasons. 1. God didn't CAUSE them to crucify Christ (as explained) and 2. there is nothing to equate God's work to judicially hardened the Jews with your accusation of God hardening all men from birth so as to make them unable to respond to his appeal for reconciliation.In just the same way, although God does not elect all men to salvation, all men are nonetheless responsible for their sin and also to come to Christ to be saved. If you don't like that, your argument is with God.