I've been on injured reserve. :tongue3:
Seriously, I have a hard time following your threads. They are kind of like the lady at everybody's church who thinks she's the best singer in the world. She gets up to do special music, and its just awful. But everybody in the audience just sits there and smiles while tapping on their knee, someone will be bold enough to throw out a "Bless Her Lord" (which is code for help her hear how really bad she is). The crowd can't wait for the whole ordeal to end so they can get to Golden Corral.
That's really sad. We actually had a person in our church, not a lady, but a man, who could not carry a tune, I mean he was really bad, but he sure could move our hearts for his passion for Jesus Christ and his willingness to get up in front of everyone and not be ashamed of it. I suppose there are those who would sit in the pews and mock a person like that, not sure it says much for that congregation and the pastor leading them.
I think oftentimes when a person gets so hung up in the theological they lose sight of the simplicity that is in Christ. You would think all of that pouring over the scriptures would lead them to understand God judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Not sure what to think of these mockers you speak of. This man was so humble and submissive to the Lord, he has since past over, I miss his solos, he was a lovely man. I pray the Lord helps you understand these Christians......raying: