Just because a man said no to serving as a deacon, doesn't mean that he is out of God's will. My husband street witnesses on Saturday mornings (roughly 5 hours each week)-in a very wicked city that is known for its immorality. He ministers to both physical and spiritual needs which oftentimes involves our entire family (buying gift cards, calling detox centers and setting up services...). It is precious that some of the homeless and others have come to the Lord over time and through continued ministry to them. Additionally, my husband is very active in evangelism during his travels as he is often involved with Mormons, Muslims...There is a lot of prayer required as there is much spiritual warfare involved so he started a prayer meeting with fellow business men that pray daily over the phone from 4-5am (before their business day begins.) He also turned down an opportunity to serve in our local Baptist church and some may feel that he isn't fully committed to serving at the local church and may question his walk with the Lord. He didn't tell them of his ministry commitments as it could draw attention to himself and not the Lord. So, he hears from the Lord and quietly obeys. Ultimately, it is the Lord that knows our hearts and it is the Lord who calls us to ministries and to whom we must obey.